drscream / bamboozled-ruby-plugin

Bamboozled Ruby Plugin for Atlassian Bamboo continuous integration/continuous deployment
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Capability detection on remote agents. #5

Closed OliverPereira closed 8 years ago

OliverPereira commented 9 years ago

I have installed and setup rbenv capabilities for my agents and for the master with the same path.

When I run the build on the remote agent I get the following error but when I run the job on the local agent it works fine.

Error occurred while running Task '(3)' of type com.alienfast.bamboozled.ruby.bamboozled-ruby-plugin:task.bundler.install.
java.lang.NullPointerException: Capability
        at com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull(Preconditions.java:204)
        at com.alienfast.bamboozled.ruby.tasks.AbstractRubyTask.getRubyExecutablePath(AbstractRubyTask.java:156)
        at com.alienfast.bamboozled.ruby.tasks.AbstractRubyTask.buildEnvironment(AbstractRubyTask.java:177)
        at com.alienfast.bamboozled.ruby.tasks.AbstractRubyTask.execute(AbstractRubyTask.java:78)
        at com.atlassian.bamboo.task.TaskExecutorImpl.executeTasks(TaskExecutorImpl.java:220)
        at com.atlassian.bamboo.task.TaskExecutorImpl.execute(TaskExecutorImpl.java:98)
        at com.atlassian.bamboo.build.pipeline.tasks.ExecuteBuildTask.call(ExecuteBuildTask.java:75)
        at com.atlassian.bamboo.v2.build.agent.DefaultBuildAgent.build(DefaultBuildAgent.java:188)
        at com.atlassian.bamboo.v2.build.agent.BuildAgentControllerImpl.waitAndPerformBuild(BuildAgentControllerImpl.java:112)
        at com.atlassian.bamboo.v2.build.agent.DefaultBuildAgent$1.run(DefaultBuildAgent.java:110)
        at com.atlassian.bamboo.utils.BambooRunnables$1.run(BambooRunnables.java:49)
        at com.atlassian.bamboo.security.ImpersonationHelper.runWith(ImpersonationHelper.java:31)
        at com.atlassian.bamboo.security.ImpersonationHelper.runWithSystemAuthority(ImpersonationHelper.java:20)
        at com.atlassian.bamboo.security.ImpersonationHelper$1.run(ImpersonationHelper.java:52)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:744)
rosskevin commented 9 years ago

For reference this is the offending line

@olisun - I don't have a remote agent so I may not be able to assist directly, but it appears that the remote agent does not have the same Server Capabilities as the master.

In the instructions for the master, it states:

Navigate to the Bamboo Administration | Server capabilities and click Detect server capabilities, this will detect existing RVM/ruby and their associated gemsets.

I'm guessing even though this is remote, you still need to do the same thing and trigger refresh of the server capabilities on each remote agent.

Please let me know if this does/doesn't fix it. As always, I'm open to pull requests to solve it.

OliverPereira commented 9 years ago

The agent does have the same capabilities as the master.

I had to install rbenv under the tomcat home (/usr/share/tomcat) and I also had to create the same user the agent runs under and install rbenv over there also so that the paths match.

Unfortunately it still didn't work.

There is no such thing as " trigger refresh of the server capabilities on each remote agent."... The agents detect their own capabilities.

rosskevin commented 9 years ago

"The agents detect their own capabilities" may not be true given that the Capability for the same label is null.
this.getCapabilityContext().getCapabilitySet().getCapability( rubyRuntimeLabel.toCapabilityLabel() );

Does the documentation state this somewhere as a behavior of a remote agent?

I have had a problem which feels familiar on a new setup (not remote) when I forgot to manually click the link detect capabilities. Regardless, if you figure it out I'm open to a pull request.

rosskevin commented 9 years ago

From a quick search, it appears that agents do not detect their own capabilities..

I'm unfamiliar, but still looking at https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BAMBOO/Agents+and+capabilities

rosskevin commented 9 years ago

I see:


Capabilities can be defined specifically for an agent, or they can be shared between either all local agents or all remote agents. Note that the value of an agent-specific capability overrides the value of a shared capability of the same name (if one exists)

What does it say in the agent details?


OliverPereira commented 9 years ago

I have found where the problem is.

The plugin relies on a capability of type Ruby for it to work properly.

If Ruby is installed on the Master or the agents, then Ruby versions are detected automatically and the plugin works fine.

BUT auto detection is disabled for the master and all the agents and the capabilities are configured manually under the "shared capabilities" on the master.

But there is currently NO option to define a capability of type Ruby and defining a custom capability of type command is not detected by the plugin and the plugin fails to execute the task.

I have raised a support ticket with Atlassian but I am NOT sure when this will be fixed.

rosskevin commented 9 years ago

Please let me know how it works out. If you would write up a how-to or notes section for remote agents, it would be nice to add to the readme.

Jimflip commented 9 years ago


So does this plugin work with remote agents or not (sorry I'm not sure what the outcome of the prior conversation is)?

OliverPereira commented 9 years ago

It does ONLY if automatic capabilities detection is enabled in Bamboo but automatic capabilities detection leads to other problems in Bamboo.

Jimflip commented 9 years ago

Okay, thanks for clarifying.

iiro commented 9 years ago

To my understanding the agent's have an open bug which means you cannot disable the automatic detection at the moment.

But yes - I can confirm as well that the plugin works perfectly with remote agents; all I had to do is only install RVM to agents (as we are using Chef - I used RVM cookbook with subrecipe system_install).

I am having a problem with HOME directory though; I'm running Chef's knife in a job and it's giving me this:

error 22-Jan-2015 13:43:45 /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/berkshelf-3.2.1/lib/berkshelf.rb:71:in `expand_path': non-absolute home (ArgumentError)

It was working fine when I was using a plain Rake in custom cmd + had defined HOME in run; but if I try do that here I will get errors of duplicate HOMEs set. Anyone has any ideas? I can create another issue about this - but it sounds a bit more like knife's problem.

rosskevin commented 9 years ago

all- I'm making some additions/updates including xvfb-run. While I have my dev environment going, if there I something I can do to accomodate remote agents, please let me know. Since I'm not running them, I don't quite discern what is needed (if anything).

kirvin commented 9 years ago

We are running into the same problem with our Bamboo configuration (local agents detect capabilities and run tasks correctly; remote agents have the same ruby / gemset installations but fail during capability detection).

Our experience is the same as @olisun: there is no way to manually define a capability with the Type property set to "Ruby". The closest you can do is Type "Command", which then causes the check to fail on the remote agent.

Which leads me to this question: is it possible for plugins to add new options to the "Type" list? If so, this might fix the issue. Otherwise, it appears that the only way to get a capability with type "Ruby" to appear is via the "Detect server capabilities" feature on the master node. As others have pointed out, this only affects local agents.

@olisun: do you have a link to the Jira ticket you filed with Atlassian? For what it's worth, upvotes there might help getting this resolved...

rosskevin commented 9 years ago

is it possible for plugins to add new options to the "Type" list?

My uneducated guess is that it is probably possible. Pull requests are welcome.

kmwhite commented 9 years ago

Given my cursory searches, I found this doc regarding Server Capability Types in Bamboo. I'll give it a go to see if it'll be simple to define a custom type from the drop down, but I make no promises; I don't often write Java code.

The biggest allure of this doc is:

The Capability Type Module is used for registering custom capabilities for your Bamboo plugin.

You may want to use this module to:

  • Provide a human readable name for your plugins capability
  • Provide custom template for editing the capability
  • Group multiple yet related capabilities. For example, Bamboo uses this module for its Mercurial support to define both the Mercurial and SSH executables used by Mercurial

The plugin doesn't currently have it defined in the XML, so hopefully that'll be a good enough starting point for it.

rosskevin commented 9 years ago

This will help you get setup: https://github.com/alienfast/bamboozled-ruby-plugin/wiki/Development

kirvin commented 8 years ago

@Jimflip I ported your changes into my own fork and updated slightly to be compatible with master in this repo: https://github.com/kirvin/bamboozled-ruby-plugin/tree/feature/remote-capability-detection. Other changes in my branch were made to bring in third-party repos and fix some eclipse build issues.

I can confirm that your changes work on our remote agents. Thanks for putting a solution together!

rosskevin commented 8 years ago

@kirvin @Jimflip @sam2themax

I'm looking at @Jimflip's changes and @sam2themax in #9. It seems like @Jimflip's changes are simplest and work with the ruby capability. Do you guys agree?

@sam2themax, does yours cover Jim's change and add 'command'?

Do we need to add 'command' manual capability if we use Jim's code?

BTW - I just got a remote agent running so I'm ready to integrate/test this.

rosskevin commented 8 years ago

@kirvin I don't think you need https://github.com/kirvin/bamboozled-ruby-plugin/commit/652a7ab680db906fb6885a49abf233a948a30719 if you are using Atlassian's SDK and atlas-mvn for your commands.

kirvin commented 8 years ago

@rosskevin I'm sure you're right--I don't have the Atlassian SDK installed on our Bamboo server, so it was more straightforward to get it working this way for testing out the patch.

sam2themax commented 8 years ago

@rosskevin I ran into some strange behavior with local agents in my changes -- yes, the other approach is simpler so I'll decline my PR.

rosskevin commented 8 years ago

Latest workaround jar is available via UPM, I'm still looking at capability types to make this easier.

rosskevin commented 8 years ago

Gentlemen - I've implemented capability types for both xvfb-run and ruby, you can now configure shared capability types for remote agents. As of yet, I don't have my remote agent working, but please take an opportunity to try out this code.

  1. Manually update plugin by uploading this jar: https://www.dropbox.com/s/maxzafo9o4d0feu/bamboozled-ruby-plugin-5.10.0.jar?dl=0
  2. Restart your bamboo instance (my UPM game me an error, so I restarted to be safe)
  3. Go to server capabilities and delete old xvfb-run from the Executables section
  4. Detect server capabilities to re-establish xvfb-run
  5. Try out your local agent builds (should be unaffected)
  6. Add shared capabilities with type 'ruby' and test on remote agents

If this fails, uninstall plugin, and add again from the marketplace.

This worked fine for local builds, and it does stil have @Jimflip's workaround.

rosskevin commented 8 years ago

I had to open my ufw for 54663/tcp to get through, my remote agent is registered. Auto detection on the remote seems to have worked fine, I set up the remote agent the same as the primary regarding paths.

rosskevin commented 8 years ago

No feedback from the group, but auto detection on the remote agent is working well for me. Latest is available via UPM. Release notes here: https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/com.alienfast.bamboozled.ruby.bamboozled-ruby-plugin/versions#b51

kirvin commented 8 years ago

@rosskevin Thanks for the new build--we'll try out this update early next week.

sam2themax commented 8 years ago

@rosskevin Was out for a couple days at the end of last week, but we'll give it a try this week, too. Thanks for getting this out.

Jimflip commented 8 years ago

@rosskevin Hi sorry, just back from my holidays. The fork I did was just a quick hack, I didn't have the time to delve further. I'll give this fix a run in our system, and report back any issues.


rosskevin commented 8 years ago

Here are my notes on remote agents:


Please feel free to add/edit

sam2themax commented 8 years ago

Looks good to me -- also, the plugin is working well with our remote agents now. Many thanks!