drtshock / PlayerVaults

Player vaults for player players.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[BUG] Player's vault clear because of cashnote plugin items #385

Closed BoBsmil3Y closed 4 years ago

BoBsmil3Y commented 5 years ago

Hey there,

I'm actually using PlayerVault's X 4.1.2 with 1.13.2 Paper Spigot and I found a bug with the plugin "Beast-WithDraw". Player use this plugin to convert money into paper of X$ (cashnote) and to convert xp into one bottle of X xp.

When a player put a cashnote into his pv, after quit and join his pv get clear. This is the error :


ArtelGG commented 5 years ago

Both plugins tested use the same NBT utilities as far as I can tell. Reproduced using 4.1.4 (#387) Server version tested on was 1.8.8.

First test (plugin here): Produced an error (error here) and completely locked up the vault I tested. Second test (plugin here): No error, however, all NBT was stripped from the item (I used a "basic" key from the default files) upon closing the vault.

CmdrKittens commented 4 years ago

I believe we have fixed this in the latest release.