drtshock / PlayerVaults

Player vaults for player players.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Allow users to rename their playervaults #404

Open iSneaky opened 4 years ago

iSneaky commented 4 years ago


Allow users to rename their playervaults


I'd like to see the idea of users being able to rename their vaults, for example, instead of typing "/pv 1" to open playervault 1, we could use "/pv food" which would open playervault 1 where the player primarily likes to store food. To rename a playervault, a command such as "pvname <pv#> would be issued by the player.

This would be great for players who have lots of playervaults, like 50+, they could have each playervault named after 1 building material, instead of having to remember a random number that contains that material.

andrewkm commented 4 years ago

This would be great! Make it happen @CmdrKittens <3 I give dollars. :)

ChitterChatter commented 3 years ago

This would be great, is this something that could maybe be considered?

Tirco commented 3 years ago

I also support this request. In theory it's as simple as storing one extra field pr inventory, and making sure the rename cmd doesn't accept number names :)

ghost commented 2 years ago

This is also highly requested on the server I play on, can we get some feedback is the dev at least considering it?

mbax commented 2 years ago

There's a rework planned for 5.0, which would enable named vaults. I do want to see this happen.