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Create CSS package for "Powered by DDEV" badges #11

Closed ekl1773 closed 4 years ago

ekl1773 commented 4 years ago

Feature Description:

We would like to offer a badge template so that DDEV-Live users can display that their site is running on DDEV. This should be accomplished using CSS, text, and a link. We would then deliver to them (ideally via the style guide), the appropriate code, instructions, and optional logos (out of scope for this task).

Example implementation from https://drupalcamp.london/ :

<section class="hosting">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="row">
            <p>Hosting provided by</p>
            <p class="drud-tech">
                <a href="https://platform.sh">platform.sh</a>

Ours might look like:

<p>Powered by</p>
<p class="ddev">
  <a href="https://ddev.com">DDEV</a>

User stories:

As a marketing professional at DDEV, I'd like to make it easy for our customers to add a DDEV-Live badge template to their DDEV site so that I can increase awareness of our hosting products.

Acceptance criteria:

Related links or issues:

Definition of Ready Checklist:

RProduct Owner AScrum Master CEng. Lead ITeam

Definition of Done Checklist:

REng. Lead, Team AScrum Master CIProduct Owner

dclear commented 4 years ago

This is one that @ekl1773 would like to see in next sprint, @slivermon

dclear commented 4 years ago

I added a draft user story @ekl1773 : feel free to tweak.

aManNamedJed commented 4 years ago

@ekl1773 What do you think of this? Added the Google badge just for comparison.


I wanted to point out that Google only offers PNG and SVG versions of these badges. I have seen some places do some type of Javascript file through a CDN or something, but it seems like overkill here when we could just provide these people with a "media kit" .zip file of these badges in PNG and SVG format. Happy to do the JS part but would extend this issue probably through the day.

aManNamedJed commented 4 years ago

I should note that the biggest advantage to doing a Javascript package or CDN would be that we could push updates down to all the badges potentially, but if these will never change it might be a waste of time.

aManNamedJed commented 4 years ago

I guess we want this to link out to our site though and we want to control that link 🤔

ekl1773 commented 4 years ago

@jdarrohn That looks nice. The suggestion I heard and created this task with was to just use text, rather than an image (which was my first instinct). JS definitely seems like a bit much for this, tho I appreciate the principle. I wasn't sure about logo styles/sizes, if one size fits all etc, which the text seemed to get around. These can/should change someday, but that just makes a nice touchpoint with clients, too. And yes, it should link to ddev.com, presumably most people would just copy/paste and be done with it?

aManNamedJed commented 4 years ago

If we are not doing an image, we would want to use Javascript to create the HTML elements on the page, and then inject the CSS into the DOM to style. Otherwise people would be able to edit the CSS (i.e. change the blue to match their branding, which we don't want) or change the link to go to a different page for some reason. Just my two cents.

aManNamedJed commented 4 years ago

To me the quickest path to water is to distribute an SVG and instruct people that it has to link to ddev.com or they have to take it down.

aManNamedJed commented 4 years ago

I was able to put together a little badge with code, but it does use SVG code in the HTML. I checked it out on Firefox and Chrome and it looks fine, but could potentially be a little weird on older browsers.

I might end up making it a little smaller.

Screen Shot 2020-09-09 at 3 53 54 PM
aManNamedJed commented 4 years ago


I would like you to test this a little bit just to see if you can break it, and just to see if it works/looks as expected. Here you can download a zip:


  1. Unzip the package and cd ddev-badges in terminal
  2. Run php -S localhost:8888 from inside the ddev-badges directory to start a PHP server
  3. Visit localhost:8888 in your browser
ekl1773 commented 4 years ago

Thank you! That is a moderate chunk of code but not too bad. New window is good. It shrinks! if you go real small with the viewport Looks like it works as expected to me.

We'll also need some "how to add this to your site" for people of pretty basic experience (ie me), is that something you have bandwidth for? Just a "put this here, put that there, here's what it's doing" readme.

All of which will need a little section in the Style Guide repo to host it I guess?

aManNamedJed commented 4 years ago

Here is an updated package.


There are two ways to implement:

Use the badge SVG This has the least amount of code and is pretty easy to implement. Folks could just use the badge.svg from that zip like this:

    <a href="https://ddev.com">
        <img width="180" src="./badge.svg" alt="DDEV">

Use the CSS, HTML, and SVG code

As an alternative, folks can drop in the code directly, which is a little bulkier, but not too bad.

        .ddev-badge__container {
            background-color: #00325A;
            padding: 4px;
            border: 4px solid #004278;
            border-radius: 8px;
            font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
            color: #fff;
            display: flex;

        .ddev-badge__wrapper {
            display: block;
            width: 180px;
            height: 60px;
            text-decoration: none;

        .ddev-badge__powered {
            margin-top: 0;
            margin-bottom: 4px;
            font-size: 12px;

        .ddev-badge__icon {
            position: relative;
            top: 8px;

        .ddev-badge__right {
            padding-left: 8px;
    <a class="ddev-badge__wrapper" href="https://ddev.com" target="_blank">
        <div class="ddev-badge__container">
            <div class="ddev-badge__left">
                <div class="ddev-badge__icon">
                    <svg width="30px" height="23px" viewBox="0 0 133 101" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
                        <g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
                            <g id="Badges" transform="translate(-263.000000, -595.000000)">
                                <rect id="Rectangle" x="189" y="520" width="646" height="250"></rect>
                                <rect id="Rectangle" stroke="#004278" stroke-width="6" fill="#00325A" x="233" y="564" width="558" height="162" rx="16"></rect>
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            <div class="ddev-badge__right">
                <p class="ddev-badge__powered">
                    Powered by
                <div class="ddev-badge__ddev-wrapper">
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aManNamedJed commented 4 years ago

@dclear @ekl1773 ☝️

ekl1773 commented 4 years ago

Thank you @jdarrohn!

Where can we ~put~ commit this publicly so that we can just link users to it (apart from this issue 🙂)? I would expect to find it here but not sure if we're keeping any/all of the current styleguide structure. In the interest of keeping it simple, maybe just a folder at the top of the repo if that doesn't break things?

dclear commented 4 years ago

@ekl1773 : I'd say bring that question to next business stand-up and we can make a call in there about where to promote / house this. I am going to close this issue out as completed for sprint-end.

ekl1773 commented 3 years ago

Uploaded and added some text so users can nab the zip here https://ddev.com/ddev-badges/