drufat / triangle

Python bindings to the triangle library
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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reorganize doc/ to work with sphinx #48

Closed AlDanial closed 4 years ago

AlDanial commented 4 years ago

I was pleased to come across your triangle project today; until now I've been using the original C code and its command line-invoked programs triangle and showme in one of my Python projects. A direct Python interface is wonderful!

It took a bit of work to go through your documentation though. It is 98% ready to work with sphinx, but not quite there. The proposed PR adds the missing elements, mainly conf.py and Makefile, and restructures the contents of doc/ so that the *.rst are below doc/source/ and generated HTML (after invoking make in the doc/ directory) will go into doc/build/html. The result looks good, images are included, etc. I copied doc/build/html to my own web site, https://danial.org/trianglePR/html/index.html, so you can check out the end product if you're curious.

One further refinement would be to make the HTML viewable through Github Pages, but one step at a time.

drufat commented 4 years ago

I build my entire webpage from a single directory, and currently triangle (https://rufat.be/triangle/) is a sub-directory that gets built with the rest. If I were to merge your changes as they are now, that would break my own build process.

However, I recognize that there is value in allowing triangle doc to be built on its own. Could you keep all the .rst and .py in place without moving them to a source directory?