drufball / layered-apis

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Explain how LAPIs can use other LAPIs (without monkeypatching interference) #32

Open domenic opened 6 years ago

domenic commented 6 years ago

This has been in my head for a while but never written down. I should turn this issue into a Markdown document in this repo but let's just record it here for now.

Current back-pocket solution:

// async-local-storage

// "Real" exports:
export class StorageArea { ... };
export const storage = new StorageArea("default");

// Exports meant mainly for use by other LAPIs:
export const StorageArea_prototype_get = StorageArea.prototype.get;
export const StorageArea_prototype_set = StorageArea.prototype.set;
// ... etc ...
// other-lapi-that-needs-storage
import { storage, StorageArea_prototype_get } from "std:async-local-storage";
const Reflect_call = getOriginalStatic("Reflect", "call");

const result = Reflect_call(StorageArea_prototype_get, storage);

An ideal solution would be to make get-originals extensible so that authors could register "their" originals. That would avoid the split between get-originals for platform code, and ugly-manual-exports for LAPIs that want to share with each other.

That's a bit tricky with the current get-originals design, but we should keep an eye on it as get-originals evolves, since the design is nowhere near settled.