druid-io / druid-operator

Druid Kubernetes Operator
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Adding metrics for kubernetes related error #244

Open cintoSunny opened 2 years ago

cintoSunny commented 2 years ago

In the current Druid operator, some Kubernetes related failures are not tracked as errors in metrics. I am planning to add those errors as well. This is the approach I am taking. Wanted to check with you before making the changes. Let me know what you think.

One of the errors I see is raised from interface.go

func (e EmitEventFuncs) EmitEventOnPatch(obj, patchObj object, err error) {
    if err != nil {
        errMsg := fmt.Errorf("Error patching object [%s:%s] in namespace [%s] due to [%s]", patchObj.GetName(), patchObj.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind().Kind, patchObj.GetNamespace(), err.Error())
        e.Event(obj, v1.EventTypeWarning, string(druidNodePatchFail), errMsg.Error())

I am planning to have a separate pkg - metrics for monitoring. Here is what I did:

package metrics

import (

var (
    // TrinoReconcileTotal metric for successful trino reconcile
    DruidPlatformError = promauto.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
        Name: "druid_platform_error",
        Help: "Total number of errors raising due to platform like kubernetes",

func init() {
    // Register custom metrics with the global prometheus registry

And then added metrics.DruidPlatformError.Inc() to the interface.go. Let me know what you think.

Thanks again for all the help.

AdheipSingh commented 2 years ago

@cintoSunny this LGTM . This metric would be helpful, plus it would great if we can draft a proposal for all the monitoring metrics and start implementing.

Thanks !

cc @himanshug @nishantmonu51

cintoSunny commented 2 years ago

Sure. Will do that. I am just writing the list of metrics offline. Will share when done. I am just trying to go through the code, will take some time