druid-io / druid-operator

Druid Kubernetes Operator
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Operator should recreate `StatefulSets` when doing a rolling update #304

Open diegosolisfr opened 1 year ago

diegosolisfr commented 1 year ago

Recently we encountered the problem that Operator is not recreating the StatefulSets when performing a rolling update for the Druid version.

We receive:

Failed to update [druid-routers:StatefulSet] due to [StatefulSet.apps \"druid-routers\" is invalid: spec: Forbidden: updates to statefulset spec for fields other than 'replicas', 'template', and 'updateStrategy' are forbidden].

To bypass the issue we did the manual steps described in #76

AdheipSingh commented 1 year ago

This error is returned from the kubernetes statefulset controller, the operator cannot/will not change the default statefulset behaviour unless needed for a specific usecase.