drummerboy46 / Umbraco-Tag-Manager

Tag Utilities for Umbraco
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Group or filter tags by culture/language #7

Open mikaelaolsson opened 2 months ago

mikaelaolsson commented 2 months ago

Hello!! 😸

I wonder if it would be possible to add a feature to filter/group by culture/language?

Maybe something like this:


But for languages?

Best wishes,


drummerboy46 commented 2 months ago

Hello Mika

I assume you mean when you click on a group and you get a card style list of the tags?

I was considering implementing a more "Umbraco" way of displaying the cards, but I took the original code and improved upon it, as it was the quickest route to get the project out to users.

Your screen grab is essentially the "Users" section of Umbraco and is a nice card style with full selection, filtering, ordering, searching and a view switch from card to list. I'll certainly take a look at this, but it'll most likely be part of the Umbraco 14 transition and learning journey for me.

mikaelaolsson commented 2 months ago

Thank you for your quick reply!

It really doesn't have to be anything like the printscreen I included! I was just hastily looking for something in the UI to use as an example.

Mostly I just want a simple way to display tags from just one language at the time, since it's possible to send in a culture etc.

Here have this (very amazing and detailed) mockup: image

and then filter the tags below by culture.

I do fully understand if this isn't something you want to/have time to implement, especially with umbraco 14 on the way. Just thought I would ask! 🙌

drummerboy46 commented 2 months ago

@mikaelaolsson nice! A simple dropdown to choose from the variants? As its a dropdown it would only be a single language, that ok?

mikaelaolsson commented 2 months ago

@drummerboy46 yes, that would be amazing!