drunomics / nuxtjs-drupal-ce

A Nuxt module to easily connect Drupal via custom elements.
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Reimplement useLocalizedMenuEndpoint option/flag #110

Closed TurtlBbx closed 1 year ago

TurtlBbx commented 1 year ago

useLocalizedMenuEndpoint: If enabled, the menu endpoint will use a language prefix as configured by nuxtjs/i18n module. Defaults to true.

Nuxt 3 version of the i18n module (it is still in beta): https://v8.i18n.nuxtjs.org. Github: https://github.com/nuxt-modules/i18n.

Similarly as in 1.x branch, we can use useLocaleRoute() composable to get localized API menu path. So it should be straightforward to add this option in 2.x branch.