drupal-composer / drupal-packagist

:package: Drupal Packagist server to automatically build package information from projects on drupal.org
28 stars 4 forks source link

Remove drupal/drupal from repository #38

Closed deviantintegral closed 8 years ago

deviantintegral commented 9 years ago

drupal/drupal in packagist.drupal-packagist.org is stuck at the beta9 release. Is there any need to keep it, when drupal/drupal exists in the primary packagist repository? As is, a basic composer.json with only drupal/drupal fails if you add in the drupal packagist repository.

webflo commented 9 years ago

Can you send me a link to the package? I don´t know packagist.drupal-packagist.org. The official domain is https://packagist.drupal-composer.org/

deviantintegral commented 9 years ago

Doh, that's what I get for not copy / pasting links. I'm referring to https://packagist.drupal-composer.org/packages/drupal/drupal

deviantintegral commented 9 years ago

Ok, here's something a little more specific to show the problem. Start with this composer.json:

    "name": "deviantintegral/composer-test",
    "authors": [
            "name": "Andrew Berry",
            "email": "deviantintegral@gmail.com"
    "minimum-stability": "dev",
    "prefer-stable": true,
    "repositories": [
            "type": "composer",
            "url": "https://packagist.drupal-composer.org"
    "require": {
        "drupal/drupal": "8.0.*"

Run composer update.

When generating the autoloader, a RuntimeException is thrown:

  Could not scan for classes inside "core//lib/Drupal/Component/Utility/Timer.php" which does not appear to be a file nor a folder

Looking in composer.lock:

            "name": "drupal/drupal",
            "version": "8.0.0",
            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "http://git.drupal.org/project/drupal",
                "reference": "079a52b45df32b8aa82d1eb0c57bd97d1e065f57"
            "dist": {
                "type": "zip",
                "url": "http://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/drupal-8.0.0-beta9.zip",
                "reference": null,
                "shasum": null
            "require": {
                "composer/installers": "^1.0.20",
                "drupal/core": "~8.0"
            "replace": {
                "drupal/action": "self.version",
                "drupal/aggregator": "self.version",
                "drupal/ban": "self.version",
                "drupal/bartik": "self.version",
                "drupal/basic_auth": "self.version",
                "drupal/block": "self.version",
                "drupal/block_content": "self.version",
                "drupal/book": "self.version",
                "drupal/breakpoint": "self.version",
                "drupal/ckeditor": "self.version",
                "drupal/classy": "self.version",
                "drupal/color": "self.version",
                "drupal/comment": "self.version",
                "drupal/config": "self.version",
                "drupal/config_translation": "self.version",
                "drupal/contact": "self.version",
                "drupal/content_translation": "self.version",
                "drupal/contextual": "self.version",
                "drupal/datetime": "self.version",
                "drupal/dblog": "self.version",
                "drupal/editor": "self.version",
                "drupal/entity_reference": "self.version",
                "drupal/field": "self.version",
                "drupal/field_ui": "self.version",
                "drupal/file": "self.version",
                "drupal/filter": "self.version",
                "drupal/forum": "self.version",
                "drupal/hal": "self.version",
                "drupal/help": "self.version",
                "drupal/history": "self.version",
                "drupal/image": "self.version",
                "drupal/language": "self.version",
                "drupal/link": "self.version",
                "drupal/locale": "self.version",
                "drupal/menu_link_content": "self.version",
                "drupal/menu_ui": "self.version",
                "drupal/migrate": "self.version",
                "drupal/migrate_drupal": "self.version",
                "drupal/minimal": "self.version",
                "drupal/node": "self.version",
                "drupal/options": "self.version",
                "drupal/path": "self.version",
                "drupal/phptemplate": "self.version",
                "drupal/quickedit": "self.version",
                "drupal/rdf": "self.version",
                "drupal/responsive_image": "self.version",
                "drupal/rest": "self.version",
                "drupal/search": "self.version",
                "drupal/serialization": "self.version",
                "drupal/seven": "self.version",
                "drupal/shortcut": "self.version",
                "drupal/standard": "self.version",
                "drupal/stark": "self.version",
                "drupal/statistics": "self.version",
                "drupal/syslog": "self.version",
                "drupal/system": "self.version",
                "drupal/taxonomy": "self.version",
                "drupal/telephone": "self.version",
                "drupal/text": "self.version",
                "drupal/toolbar": "self.version",
                "drupal/tour": "self.version",
                "drupal/tracker": "self.version",
                "drupal/twig": "self.version",
                "drupal/update": "self.version",
                "drupal/user": "self.version",
                "drupal/views": "self.version",
                "drupal/views_ui": "self.version"
            "suggest": {
                "drupal/block": "Required by drupal/block_content, drupal/minimal, drupal/standard",
                "drupal/block_content": "Required by drupal/standard",
                "drupal/breakpoint": "Required by drupal/responsive_image, drupal/toolbar, drupal/standard",
                "drupal/ckeditor": "Required by drupal/standard",
                "drupal/color": "Required by drupal/standard",
                "drupal/comment": "Required by drupal/forum, drupal/tracker, drupal/standard",
                "drupal/config": "Required by drupal/standard",
                "drupal/contact": "Required by drupal/standard",
                "drupal/contextual": "Required by drupal/quickedit, drupal/standard",
                "drupal/core": "Required by drupal/action, drupal/aggregator, drupal/ban, drupal/basic_auth, drupal/block, drupal/block_content, drupal/book, drupal/breakpoint, drupal/ckeditor, drupal/color, drupal/comment, drupal/config, drupal/config_translation, drupal/contact, drupa",
                "drupal/datetime": "Required by drupal/standard",
                "drupal/dblog": "Required by drupal/minimal, drupal/standard",
                "drupal/editor": "Required by drupal/ckeditor, drupal/standard",
                "drupal/entity_reference": "Required by drupal/aggregator, drupal/node, drupal/standard",
                "drupal/field": "Required by drupal/datetime, drupal/entity_reference, drupal/field_ui, drupal/file, drupal/link, drupal/options, drupal/quickedit, drupal/telephone, drupal/text",
                "drupal/field_ui": "Required by drupal/standard",
                "drupal/file": "Required by drupal/aggregator, drupal/editor, drupal/image, drupal/locale, drupal/update, drupal/standard",
                "drupal/filter": "Required by drupal/editor, drupal/quickedit, drupal/text, drupal/views",
                "drupal/help": "Required by drupal/standard",
                "drupal/history": "Required by drupal/forum, drupal/standard",
                "drupal/image": "Required by drupal/responsive_image, drupal/standard",
                "drupal/language": "Required by drupal/content_translation, drupal/locale",
                "drupal/link": "Required by drupal/menu_link_content, drupal/shortcut",
                "drupal/locale": "Required by drupal/config_translation",
                "drupal/menu_link_content": "Required by drupal/menu_ui, drupal/standard",
                "drupal/menu_ui": "Required by drupal/standard",
                "drupal/migrate": "Required by drupal/migrate_drupal",
                "drupal/node": "Required by drupal/book, drupal/forum, drupal/history, drupal/taxonomy, drupal/tracker, drupal/minimal, drupal/standard",
                "drupal/options": "Required by drupal/aggregator, drupal/forum, drupal/standard",
                "drupal/path": "Required by drupal/standard",
                "drupal/quickedit": "Required by drupal/standard",
                "drupal/rdf": "Required by drupal/standard",
                "drupal/rest": "Required by drupal/hal",
                "drupal/search": "Required by drupal/standard",
                "drupal/serialization": "Required by drupal/hal, drupal/rest",
                "drupal/shortcut": "Required by drupal/standard",
                "drupal/system": "Required by drupal/user",
                "drupal/taxonomy": "Required by drupal/forum, drupal/standard",
                "drupal/text": "Required by drupal/block_content, drupal/comment, drupal/node, drupal/options, drupal/taxonomy",
                "drupal/toolbar": "Required by drupal/standard",
                "drupal/tour": "Required by drupal/standard",
                "drupal/user": "Required by drupal/filter",
                "drupal/views": "Required by drupal/views_ui, drupal/standard",
                "drupal/views_ui": "Required by drupal/standard"
            "type": "drupal-core",
            "extra": {
                "_readme": [
                    "By default Drupal loads the autoloader from ./core/vendor/autoload.php.",
                    "To change the autoloader you can edit ./autoload.php."
                "branch-alias": {
                    "dev-8.x-": "8.x-dev"
            "notification-url": "https://packagist.drupal-composer.org/downloads/",
            "license": [
            "description": "Handles general site configuration for administrators.",
            "time": "2015-03-25 16:13:13"

We're getting what I assume is the beta9 release, though it's strange that version is at the non-existent 8.0.0.

Removing the repository from composer.json, removing composer.lock, vendor, and core, and then rerunning composer update works as expected.

webflo commented 9 years ago

Sorry drupal/drupal is currently not supported. Please use the subtree split from drupal/core. Its should work nicely after we get https://www.drupal.org/node/2380389 in. https://github.com/drupal-composer/drupal-project provides everything you need in the meantime.

deviantintegral commented 8 years ago

The original reason I wanted to add drupal/drupal was so we could have a post install command that automatically sees if files in /web like index.php and so on need to be updated or merged. We were still going to use drupal/core for the actual site docroot/core directory. Having to manually check https://github.com/drupal-composer/drupal-project for updates in /web could be an easy step to miss and is dependent on that repo being updated. I suppose we could manually download a tarball to get those files, but that also seems fragile. Any suggestions?

webflo commented 8 years ago

We have a script to updates these files. Just run ./scripts/drupal/update-scaffold from the repo root.


deviantintegral commented 8 years ago

Hah! That totally solves the problem. Thanks!