drupal-docker / php

Dockerized PHP for Drupal :droplet::whale:
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Add drush to php images #8

Closed slashrsm closed 8 years ago

zaporylie commented 8 years ago


First of all thanks for Pull Request.

My plan is to keep images as small/vanilla as possible. That way it will be much easier to maintain them i.e. update drupaldocker/php only to fix bug or when new php version was released. In fact Docker Hub for project (https://hub.docker.com/r/drupaldocker/) has been configured to autodiscover changes to parent php image and triggers image rebuild automatically (see build history: https://hub.docker.com/r/drupaldocker/php/builds/).

I though to take php:cli image and add Drush and Drupal Console there, or - even better - create two additional images: drupaldocker/drush and drupaldocker/console. Here is when I got so far: https://github.com/drupal-docker/php/pull/5. So, if you need Drush for your app you just spin new container, lets say drupaldocker/drush, attach data container (volumes_from) and mysql and that's it - you have bare php (fpm or mod_php) and drush in the same time. Also you can kill/stop drush if you're not using it at the moment.

slashrsm commented 8 years ago

That makes sense. I am quite new to Docker and am still figuring this stuff out.

Let's get #5 in and continue from there.