drupal-docker / php

Dockerized PHP for Drupal :droplet::whale:
MIT License
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drupaldocker/php:2.x - roadmap #83

Open zaporylie opened 6 years ago

zaporylie commented 6 years ago

First iteration was a great journey and it helped understand a lot - how Docker works and what are the up- and down-sides when adapting Docker for Drupal projects. This issue is to define what must be done in order to release new major version of this image. Releasing new major version is always a great opportunity to change architecture of the image in order to mitigate some risks old architecture brings, and get rid off limitations it has.

All the basics must remain the same - we base on official packages and extend them by settings/tools/configs which are universally suitable for Drupal. This was always core principle of this organisation.

If you have objections to the list below - now is the time to step out and say it :)

Few words of explanation:

Preview: https://github.com/drupal-docker/php/tree/2.x

iBobik commented 6 years ago

About maintaining tags, how to automate it?

I use automatic reusing of base image tags here: https://gitlab.com/janpoboril/drupal-composer-docker

It uses GitLab CI to mirror tags of base image. Feedback wellcome.