drupal-graphql / graphql

GraphQL integration for Drupal 9/10
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Graphql voyager not working #1238

Open aberramou opened 2 years ago

aberramou commented 2 years ago

The voyager not working on: Drupal : 9.2.5 GraphQl : 3.1.0

i get this error

abort() at Error at Ga (blob:http://mysite.local/186e95db-6391-4831-864a-c7ea73abaddb:420:124) at Fa (blob:http://mysite.local/186e95db-6391-4831-864a-c7ea73abaddb:420:22) at Object.v [as abort] (blob:http://mysite.local/186e95db-6391-4831-864a-c7ea73abaddb:1554:101) at _abort (blob:http://mysite.local/186e95db-6391-4831-864a-c7ea73abaddb:1510:402) at fQ (blob:http://mysite.local/186e95db-6391-4831-864a-c7ea73abaddb:1539:13984) at Array.qH (blob:http://mysite.local/186e95db-6391-4831-864a-c7ea73abaddb:1527:31527) at Array.gs (blob:http://mysite.local/186e95db-6391-4831-864a-c7ea73abaddb:1536:113609) at ds (blob:http://mysite.local/186e95db-6391-4831-864a-c7ea73abaddb:1536:111402) at Array.pH (blob:http://mysite.local/186e95db-6391-4831-864a-c7ea73abaddb:1527:31370) at Array.gs (blob:http://mysite.local/186e95db-6391-4831-864a-c7ea73abaddb:1536:113609) If this abort() is unexpected, build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 which can give more information.

Screenshot 2021-09-10 at 18 36 27

any ideas ?

brian-wwbtc commented 2 years ago

I think this error is generated because of a deprecated dependency that is being used for this project I suspect https://github.com/mdaines/viz.js, which is using emscripten for wasm under the hood in this case. I am not exactly sure the best place to start in debugging this issue. Would the issue require being fixed from the viz.js project? according to issues there people are having a hard time finding suitable alternative for replacing this dependency. I get this same error using version 3.x of this project, so you might try updating to version 4.x I know the voyager works on that version not sure if they replace viz.js though.