drupal-graphql / graphql

GraphQL integration for Drupal 9/10
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logUnsafeErrors() logs way too much data #1295

Open mbomb007 opened 2 years ago

mbomb007 commented 2 years ago

I have had some trouble trying to view GraphQL errors for some queries I'm using. The relevant section of Executor::logUnsafeErrors() is here:

        "There were errors during a GraphQL execution.\nOperation details:\n<pre>\n{details}\n</pre>\nPrevious errors:\n<pre>\n{previous}\n</pre>",
          'details' => json_encode([
            '$operation' => $operation,
            // Do not pass $result to json_encode because it implements
            // JsonSerializable and strips some data out during the
            // serialization.
            '$result->data' => $result->data,
            '$result->errors' => $result->errors,
            '$result->extensions' => $result->extensions,
          ], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT),
          'previous' => implode('\n\n', $previousErrors),

$result->data contains the entire result set of the query. In my case, my queries are returning a couple hundred objects with lots of data and properties. If a single item causes an error, then the log message still will contain hundreds of items.

Is there a way to have my queries still return the data, yet have the error log messages omit or truncate the data? I had to set my PHP memory_limit higher just to view my site's Recent Log Messages for GraphQL.