drupaldiversity / administration

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How can we fill gaps in the Drupalcon CFP #10

Closed drnikki closed 7 years ago

drnikki commented 7 years ago

like "what happens if your session is not chosen"

bradleyfields commented 7 years ago

For underrepresented folks, cost is often an issue. For a number of reasons (personal finance, doubt about whether work will support them, etc.). So, might be cool during CFP to speak to that concern however possible.

For example, contrast https://events.drupal.org/neworleans2016/news/submit-session-drupalcon-new-orleans with https://www.alterconf.com/speak.

This isn't a policy change request—not a "we must start paying people" demand. (Though, open to that conversation too.) It's a suggestion that, even without a policy change, we could help improve CFP communications so they clearly describe what is and isn't available to people who want to give sessions.

amandagonser commented 7 years ago

Thanks Brad. I had popped that link into the diversity channel yesterday as a great example, so I am glad that you agree. I definitely want to improve our communications in this sense and will be checking out additional conference CFP pages that do this well; if you have any other examples that you know of, please send them my way!

drnikki commented 7 years ago

HOORAY! This is in progress. A similar issue will probably be opened next con.