drupaldiversity / administration

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Goals for DCBaltimore #14

Closed drnikki closed 7 years ago

drnikki commented 7 years ago

Can we formulate a list of measurable goals to work towards for DC Baltimore? We need to let Amanda know if we have specific asks for the booth/table/conference space by the end of January.

Some examples might be:

We'll use these goals to determine the most effective actions we could take. Some options include:

from @rubyji I hope that in addition to a session we can host a BOF and recommend a hashtag for people to use on Twitter if they want to comment about diversity & inclusion at the event.

from @davidhwang

from @heyrocker focusing more on internal goals in the beginning (getting a booth staffed, successfully running a bof, having a lunch table staffed all three days) is great regardless of any external participation.

davidhwang commented 7 years ago

To more fully expand on my thoughts from Slack:

-- BADCamp (easily done, I'm one of them 👍, populist, hrodrig, annabella, etc. ) -- Design4Drupal (danigrrl, etc) -- Drupal Government Conference (bendygirl, etc) -- DrupalCamp FL (ultimike, etc) -- Midcamp (zendoodles, kthull, etc) -- NYC Camp (willykaram, etc) -- TexasCamp (Steph El-Hajj, etc) -- PNWDS (not sure who the team is this year... rootwork?)

sugaroverflow commented 7 years ago

Would it be possible to have an anonymous suggestions/comments box? I imagine there would be people who don't feel as comfortable chatting up at the booth/quasi-booth table and can leave anonymous feedback.

rubyji commented 7 years ago

Here are some difficult to measure goals I have in mind:

drnikki commented 7 years ago

I'm going to close this since drupalcon is next week. We will be working to gather some "what we accomplished" facts after the con is over.

drnikki commented 7 years ago

This is related to https://github.com/drupaldiversity/drupaldiversity.github.io/issues/18 as a review blog post.