drupaldiversity / administration

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Explicit leadership roles & appointments #31

Closed drnikki closed 7 years ago

drnikki commented 7 years ago

The amorphous structure of the DD&I group - if you show up, you're part of us - is wonderful. So many people have commented lately that leaders should be held to a different (higher?) standards than community members. If this is the case, for the DD&I group, we'd need to first define who the leaders are and what their responsibilities are.

This issue is for that!

rubyji commented 7 years ago

I missed the conversation in Slack around this, but this might be a good goal for our second year as a group. I can see having a chair/lead organizer, vice chair(s)/organizers, and project leaders - something along those lines. Maybe a steering committee.

cleverington commented 7 years ago

Based on recent events, I'll bump a prop on this issue to review it during our Weekly Meeting to create a Steering Committee for Moderation purposes.

lyndsey commented 7 years ago

In the first instance perhaps identifying a few "Ask [name] about..." people and pinning it in Slack would really help? It can help to flesh out some roles and conversation topics too. For example:

Ask [name] about the group aims and what we want to achieve Ask [name] about how to get involved and help Ask [name] about finding resources for your organisation Ask [name] about increasing diversity at your next conference or event

drnikki commented 7 years ago

We discussed this explicitly in the strategy meeting (full notes in #28), and the relevant parts here are:

DDI has the same problem as the community. Should we lead by example? Consensus: yes

Initial Teams:

Initial Members:

Communications Scott Ruby Alanna Leadership Nikki Ruby Moderation Team Alanna Kara

Solidification By: Ruby and Alanna

sugaroverflow commented 7 years ago

Linking the collaborative doc of teams and volunteers: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E24reX_62IgRAYlq97v9McDDc1fT-Jc4hqMlb7FxciM/edit#

YesCT commented 7 years ago

Administrative roles and organizing (around moderation) sound different than taking moderation shifts... the doc here I think is more of the admin org.

Use https://github.com/drupaldiversity/administration/issues/69 to volunteer for being a moderator.

drnikki commented 7 years ago

We did create teams! Like mentioned above, use #69 to become a moderator. Team leadership was announced in the May 11 meeting - agenda and notes in #65