drupaldiversity / administration

⚠️ All future work has moved to Drupal.org - https://www.drupal.org/project/diversity
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File location? #58

Closed legovaer closed 7 years ago

legovaer commented 7 years ago

In the end we want all of the documents we are creating to become available to the public, as we are doing here with GitHub. But I am not 100% convinced that this is the best way to move forward. GitHub is great, but people that are new to the project and maybe are not aware of GitHub might never find this documentation.

IMO: This information should get into Drupal.org as people who have concerns about D&I within our community are more likely to search this information on the drupal.org website.

There are several options;

heyrocker commented 7 years ago

When we say they should get onto drupal.org what are we really talking about?

Another concern I have in being on drupal.org is that it is explicitly the DA's territory. While that is not specifically something I fret over really, its worth considering how it impacts our independence.

In Baltimore we talked a bit about setting up our own website which has its own issues aka logins, permissions, hosting costs, etc. That said, I do think it is probably our best option and will allow for a solid editing experience and document management. (Does not explicitly have to be Drupal either.)

cleverington commented 7 years ago

From my approach, I think GitBook is a great way to leverage a 'produced' pieces of our content, and the way it is already built.

However, if we wanted to use different approaches, we can always convert it to ASCIIDOC (which Drupal.org's Documentation Team uses for a number of project), but I think the only supported modules for asciidoc are Drupal 7.

Alternatively, if we do not want to convert our existing content, there's always https://www.drupal.org/project/markdown , which has Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 versions.

Josh Koenig from Pantheon mentioned that Pantheon would be willing to host our site pro-bono (No quote can be provided, as it was a LONG time ago... Slack timeline-wise).

Either approach has its drawbacks, however, as currently our site is drupaldiversity.github.io. Migrating would either require registration of drupaldiversity.org (and the associated cost / maintenance planning) or hosting via something like drupaldiversity.pantheonsite.io

My vote would be to separate by "project/area" (Organizer Packet, A11Y Packet, Contributors Packet, Web Team, Leadership Team, etc.).

Something like:

Area / Project Location Notes
Event Organizer Packet GitHub We could also continuing using the Issue Queue on GitHub for changes and change requests
Diversity of the Web GitHub This project is not quite closed, but is mostly in maintenance mode.
Project Management Asana? Trello? Shared and Locked Drupal Site? I'll leave PM's to comment on the best approach for this one. I doubt JIRA would be 'in budget', but Trello leaves its own opportunities.
Mentorship GitHub Same as Event Organizer's Packet
Contributor's Packet GitHub Same as Event Organizer's Packet
A11Y Packet GitHub Same as Event Organizer's Packet
Web Team Asana? Trello? Shared and Locked Drupal Site? Something for collaboration on the Web Site, which allows for conversation without front-facing changes.
Leadership Team / Project Management Asana? Trello? Shared and Locked Drupal Site? I'll leave PM's to comment on the best approach for this one. I doubt JIRA would be 'in budget', but Trello leaves its own opportunities.
rubyji commented 7 years ago

If we take Pantheon up on their offer to host we could pretty easily set up an Open Atrium site for project management.

cleverington commented 7 years ago

My understanding of the offer was more a public-facing site, would probably have to touch-base first on a closed Intranet-style site if we looked that direction.

cleverington commented 7 years ago

We talked about this topic fairly heavily in the Meeting today and the general consensus is to remain as we are within GitHub for at least the next quarter, but expand usage into:

sugaroverflow commented 7 years ago

Linked this issue in #60 the general project management issue and closing this. (I want to merge the conversation to one place)