drupaldiversity / administration

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Agenda for May 4 meeting #62

Closed drnikki closed 7 years ago

drnikki commented 7 years ago

What I've heard so far... 1 - meeting notes team 2 - local camp support team 3 - moderation team 4 - nashville laws 5 - toolset & project management 6 - description/intro to DD&I slack channel

If you'd like to add items to the May 4 meeting agenda, please post them here (they can be existing issues in the queue or general topics.) If it's a new topic, please give as much information as you can.

lkopacz commented 7 years ago

@drnikki et al.

For item 3, I would love to discuss the possibility of creating a /report function for harassers that let's people anonymously report feeling harassed, doxxed, bullied, etc. This would send it to a private moderator only channel, where it could be discussed or something further. Open to discussion on how it's utilized.

sparklingrobots commented 7 years ago

That's a pretty full agenda already but wanted to ask about follow-ups to the various subjects from the strategy meeting (here).

Specifically, the main items for me there are #37 and I'd also like to volunteer for the communications team or at least figure out what that might look like.

drnikki commented 7 years ago

Started a google doc to get a head start on team definitions and expectations: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E24reX_62IgRAYlq97v9McDDc1fT-Jc4hqMlb7FxciM/edit#

Ideally, in the meeting we can just refine/sign off and talk about membership.

sugaroverflow commented 7 years ago

Added 6 - description/intro to the DD&I slack channel to get some feedback on that :)

drnikki commented 7 years ago
