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Slack Channel Introduction / Description #64

Closed sugaroverflow closed 7 years ago

sugaroverflow commented 7 years ago

We thought it would be a good idea to have an introduction for people new to our slack channel. This is a first pass at that, feedback welcome! :)

(I added this to the working docs/ but let me know if there's a better place - thanks!)

star-szr commented 7 years ago

I really want to watch this now but here's the link for the New Orleans presentation :) https://events.drupal.org/neworleans2016/sessions/together-we-can-make-drupal-example-diversity-tech

sugaroverflow commented 7 years ago

Added, thank you @Cottser !

I've watched it a few times. It makes me feel less like a DD&I imposter.

justAChris commented 7 years ago

As a Noob to DD&I, I think this covers everything important. I'd consider promoting "We would like to:" as a header in kind of "What we do" so when people ask what the group does, it's easy to point to.

sparklingrobots commented 7 years ago

In the channel @zombree suggested a "Getting started with Github", which I think would be an excellent addition to this doc. I suspect there is already such a document on the internet...

...okay, after a brief search, most of it seems to be "get started with your own repo". But I found this video for how to use github issues: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJlYiMp8FuY But it's a start, until we have something more custom for our purposes?

cleverington commented 7 years ago

I wonder if it would be better to add this as a new page on the site?

Maybe under a link "Slackin' It" or "Slack" or something?

sugaroverflow commented 7 years ago

@cleverington that makes sense!

I'm thinking if we put this in the working docs for now, I can add this info to the Getting Involved page on the website under a 'Slack Channel' heading?

The reason I want it in the working docs is to have a place to link to it from the slack channel's description :)

sugaroverflow commented 7 years ago

@justAChris Thank you for the feedback, it's super appreciated! I'm a little confused, where were you proposing it would be better to use "What we would like to do" as a heading? I like the idea, I'm just not sure where it would go. Instead of "Who We Are"?

justAChris commented 7 years ago

@sugaroverflow I misread it a bit. On initial read I thought that the “We would like to:” bullet points spoke more to that goals of the group instead of the purpose of the channel. Since this document is specifically talking about the slack channel, those ideas fit fine under “What this channel is for”, so the headings are great as is.

I would suggest we replace the “We would like to:” text since that comes off soft to me. Something like "In this channel we:” or “The purpose of this channel is to:"

cleverington commented 7 years ago

Added all recommendations.

sugaroverflow commented 7 years ago

Thanks @cleverington! I think this is ready for review :)

sugaroverflow commented 7 years ago

Note for self: need to add the participation and moderation guidelines as an update to this.