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Book Club Suggestions #74

Closed AlannaBurke closed 6 years ago

AlannaBurke commented 7 years ago

Post your book club suggestions here! Articles, readings, or actual books - this issue can serve as a place to keep them all.

seanr commented 7 years ago

Waking Up White By Debbie Irving Americanah By Chimamanda NGozi Adichie Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates

gdemet commented 7 years ago

Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class by Ian Haney López

AlannaBurke commented 7 years ago


Women in Tech - This is a great read that is essentially a collection of chapters/essays, it was Kickstarted and contributed by a handful of women in tech.

Lean Out: The Struggle for Gender Equality in Tech and Start-Up Culture - Elissa Shevinsky - Also an absolutely fantastic collection of essays that had me both saying "this is me, this has happened to me!" and crying and laughing - I think it really addresses so many toxic issues that we see in the tech world. It's also a pretty short read.

The Internet Of Garbage - An awesome (and perhaps apropos) read on online harassment, and how we need to remove the "garbage" from social media and online communities: "The Internet of Garbage considers why and how to recalibrate this ongoing project of garbage-removal from content platforms and social media networks. It’s not as simple as policing offensive material and hitting the delete button online: Jeong tackles precarious issues like free speech, behavior vs. content, doxing and SPAM."


This may not be the ultimate article on the subject, but one worth reading and a subject that may be worthy of a week's readings: How Tech Business Models Come From Marginalized Communities, But Startups Are Still Mostly White White Debt "Reckoning with what is owed — and what can never be repaid — for racial privilege."

gdemet commented 7 years ago

Twitter and Tear Gas: The Power and Fragility of Networked Protest Hardcover by DrupalCon keynote speaker Zeynep Tufekci

rubyji commented 7 years ago

There are a lot of good articles at https://drupaldiversity.github.io/resources/ that might make good book club material.

sparklingrobots commented 7 years ago

I would love to read The New Jim Crow.


sparklingrobots commented 7 years ago

I am also thinking it could be so useful to have individuals/small groups lead a week on subjects that they are personally affected by, e.g. I could lead something about being a queer/gnc person, or whatever. Ideally having a group lead it I've been conceiving of this as a "learn about society" book club but realizing that I'd love to know more about the specific problems faced by members of our group as far as they're willing to open up about it.

rachellawson commented 7 years ago

Not strictly intended to be a diversity subject book but Revolutionary Ride by Lois Pryce is interesting. About her solo ride around Iran. It's all about the people

Unitoch commented 7 years ago

I would love to read some of the classics in this area as well. A few that come to mind: Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Alex Haley and Malcolm X

catch56 commented 7 years ago

Some of these I've read, some are on my list/shelf waiting...

The Wretched of the Earth - Franz Fanon

The Black Jacobins: Toussaint L'ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution - CLR James

Facing Reality: CLR James and Grace Lee Boggs

Slavery by Another Name: The Re-Enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to World War II - Douglas A Blackmon.

Catching History on the Wing: Race, Culture and Globalisation - A Sivanandan (collection of articles, some are online individually)

Identity politics and class struggle: https://libcom.org/library/identity-politics-class-struggle Robin D. G. Kelley

The Invention of the White Race - Theodore W Allen

Also +1 to New Jim Crow

catch56 commented 7 years ago

Some medium length things from online:

INCITE 2005 Community Accountability within the POC Progressive Movement http://www.usprisonculture.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/community-accountability-in-POC-progressive-mvmt.pdf

Philly Rise Up Accountability Road Map http://www.usprisonculture.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/accountabilityroadmap.pdf

(More community accountability/transformative justice links here: http://www.usprisonculture.com/blog/transformative-justice/)

Discourse and the Denial of Racism - Teun A. van Dijk http://www.discourses.org/OldArticles/Discourse%20and%20the%20denial%20of%20racism.pdf

sparklingrobots commented 7 years ago

This week we held a vote for the first book. New Jim Crow received nine votes Twitter and Tear Gas received nine votes Catching History on the Wing received two votes.

I flipped a coin and NJC won. I don't know if we want to move Twitter & Tear Gas into the second position or re-poll when the first book is done, but figured I'd record results here.

sparklingrobots commented 7 years ago

Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center, bell hooks

seanr commented 7 years ago

I'd like to submit 40 Million Dollar Slaves: https://www.amazon.com/Forty-Million-Dollar-Slaves-Redemption/dp/0307353141

Intersection of racism and sports.

sparklingrobots commented 7 years ago

From today's book club: https://www.amazon.com/Invention-White-Race-Oppression-Anglo-America/dp/1844677702/ref=pd_sim_14_1?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=1844677702&pd_rd_r=T9H1KNRAQ9TZZ0MYC4WC&pd_rd_w=uIZz5&pd_rd_wg=Fqmg9&psc=1&refRID=T9H1KNRAQ9TZZ0MYC4WC

gdemet commented 7 years ago

"Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America" by Ibram X. Kendi is a new book that's been getting a lot of attention and sounds like an interesting read.

sparklingrobots commented 6 years ago

New suggestions from the channel: https://www.amazon.com/Technically-Wrong-Sexist-Algorithms-Threats-ebook/dp/B06XJBGPT9/ref=mt_kindle?_encoding=UTF8&me=

Also someone mentioned Emergent Strategy which I'm quite interested in.

laughnan commented 6 years ago

⚠️ Moving this thread to Drupal.org for further suggestions: https://www.drupal.org/project/diversity/issues/2929248