drupaldiversity / administration

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Create D&I Glossary #77

Closed AlannaBurke closed 6 years ago

AlannaBurke commented 7 years ago

Often we use terms, shortcuts, etc, that people who are not familiar to the space don't understand - let's create a glossary in the wiki to keep these terms as we think of them or as they come up, so that we can be more inclusive of newcomers to the diversity & inclusion space. Feel free to edit the page or add suggestions here.

Also, I just realized that the administration repo wiki may not be the best place for this kind of info - I'd love to create and maintain a wiki of public resources like this, but I'm not sure which repo it should go in, or if we should create a new one for this purpose. I don't think either option would be a barrier for entry, and a simple "resources" wiki may be useful in general. Thoughts?

cleverington commented 7 years ago

Both https://github.com/drupaldiversity/administration/issues/57 and #44 appear pertinent.

jonpugh commented 7 years ago

I think content like that's might be best under the resources section of the website?

bradleyfields commented 7 years ago

Wondering whether we recreate the content, refer to sources, or both.

Two source examples:

If we found sources we trusted, there's value in acknowledging and supporting their work. Reason to create our own glossary would be if we had a unique way to present the same content on our platform. But maybe our middle ground: We create a short list of the terms we think we use most often, but acknowledge there's a much wider discourse (refer to sources).

bradleyfields commented 7 years ago

Oh, and no matter what we choose, what do we think about creating a glossary bot for Slack (e.g., https://github.com/codeforamerica/glossary-bot)?

damienmckenna commented 6 years ago

During today's DD&I meeting it was mentioned that some people have difficulty with some of the terminology used, so this is of particular importance for the group.

sacarney commented 6 years ago

Perhaps we can scan for a list of words we use in the channel often, write our own definitions prominently so they are visible, and provide external resources for other words.

sacarney commented 6 years ago

Initial list to call out big in a glossary:

What else in particular do we use frequently?

sugaroverflow commented 6 years ago

Since we are moving to drupal.org #145 @AlannaBurke would you like to copy this issue over and close this one? Thank you!

drnikki commented 6 years ago
