drupaldiversity / administration

⚠️ All future work has moved to Drupal.org - https://www.drupal.org/project/diversity
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Agenda for May 18 meeting #78

Closed drnikki closed 7 years ago

drnikki commented 7 years ago

Checkins from each new team leader with status

RainbowArray commented 7 years ago

Would be good to have a checkin for the recommendations to the DA about Nashville and future DrupalCon selection. https://github.com/drupaldiversity/administration/issues/66

Their RFP for 2019/2020 is going out in two weeks or so, so would be particularly good for us to be able to finalize a set of recommendations on RFP questions so they have time to incorporate that. Finalizing the Nashville part would also be good, as the DA is planning to have some communications around the RFP process, so if we can provide feedback on that, that could make it into their posts around this.

sparklingrobots commented 7 years ago

I know book club is sort of unofficial, but if it's possible to have an item for folks to vote on the book selection, that would be very helpful.

rachellawson commented 7 years ago

It occurred to me late last night that it might be useful to make the Twitter account name “Drupal Diversity & Inclusion”. Adds something that has the trademark in. Would be interested in anyones thoughts?

rubyji commented 7 years ago

Pretty sure I tried that, @rachellawson. Twitter wouldn't allow that many characters. That's why there's no spaces in it now! (I will check again just to be sure, though.)

rachellawson commented 7 years ago

Ah! It was just an idea - I nearly replied to one of the other accounts the other day - I didn’t notice.

rubyji commented 7 years ago

But we could change it to "Drupal D & I" or something else.