drupaldiversity / administration

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Ideas for a newsletter #86

Closed sugaroverflow closed 6 years ago

sugaroverflow commented 7 years ago

Collecting ideas for the newsletter.

Some thoughts from our team-content channel:

The great links that have been posted (in the channel) #83 would be amazing for a DD&I newsletter

Taking a look at http://tinyletter.com/krotondo/archive - Ally as a Verb. I liked how they split it up into read, watch, listen, do, donate, etc. etc.

I was thinking it would be fun to include maybe one tip on being an ally or I don't know, something actionable with each month. Something consistent yet unique. You think there would be enough content?

Thanks @cottser and @Hrod for the great idea!

rubyji commented 7 years ago

I think that almost anything that would be good in a newsletter would also make a good blog post.

sugaroverflow commented 7 years ago

Oh that gives me ideas!

sugaroverflow commented 7 years ago

From the Content team meeting 5/26

sparklingrobots commented 7 years ago

I find myself actually opening the links in the Trello newsletter (http://c.trellomail.com/deliveries/NDEzNTI6FwFX2wJkAAJzABefpiwaAVtjCYAmFTgYWTlsPAFtOjUwNjY0NgA). I think the summaries are really well written and compelling, and I don't feel overwhelmed by the quantity (Oh no when will I ever read ALL THESE GOOD LINKS?!)

I also like the Ally as a Verb organizational scheme--maybe that structure (read/support/implement/etc) with a more miminal layout a la Trello?

Are we using Mailchimp? If so, I have some ideas and could put together a template, but I can't get started until around mid July.

cleverington commented 7 years ago

Let us know if you'd like any assistance from the Tech Team for getting things configured and prepped for delivery.

I've heard whispers that MailChimp has a solid templating system, but we can definitely get some SASS and CSS going to prettify our content with the blues!

sugaroverflow commented 6 years ago

Since we're moving to drupal.org, I've migrated this issue here: https://www.drupal.org/project/diversity/issues/2923865