drupaldiversity / contrib

⚠️ All future work has moved to Drupal.org - https://www.drupal.org/project/ddi_contrib
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Front End Meeting Agenda 1/25/2018 #57

Closed laughnan closed 6 years ago

laughnan commented 6 years ago

Via Drupal Slack (#ddi-contrib-team) at 11am Pacific.


Action Required


Attention needed: Due to very low/nonexistent attendance, we are talking about formally disbanding the front-end team. If you are still engaged and want to keep the front-end team active, please leave a ✅ as a reaction to this post. If no one reacts to this post, we will disband the team.

The meeting notes are also aggregated via Google Docs: https://goo.gl/8ZpB3h