drupol / Taleo

Taleo PHP Library using REST API.
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Candidate creation #1

Closed drupol closed 11 years ago

drupol commented 11 years ago

After a night of struggling with the library, I'm still not able to create a candidate. According to the documentation, page 65-66, it should work. 

Here is my script:

$taleo = new Taleo($user, $password, $company);
$taleo->loglevel(\Monolog\Logger::DEBUG, 'php://stdout');

// Create a candidate
$response = $taleo->post(
    'candidate' =>
      'city' => 'Toontown',
      'country' => 'Be',
      'resumeText' => 'This is just a test using new TALEO API.',
      'email' => 'drupol@about.me',
      'firstName' => 'Pol',
      'lastName' => "Dell'Aiera",
      'status' => 2,
      'middleInitial' => 'P',
      'cellPhone' => '0123456789',
      'source' => 'Taleo PHP Library',

Here is the log:

pol@x201 ~/git/Taleo $ php demo.php 
[2012-12-03 2:50:34] Taleo.INFO: Setting logfile to: php://stdout [] []
[2012-12-03 2:50:34] Taleo.INFO: Setting log level to: 100(DEBUG) [] []
[2012-12-03 2:50:34] Taleo.INFO: Request GET: https://tbe.taleo.net/MANAGER/dispatcher/api/v1/serviceUrl/XXXXXXX [] []
[2012-12-03 2:50:35] Taleo.DEBUG: Response: {"response":{"URL":"https://ch.tbe.taleo.net/CH04/ats/api/v1/"},"status":{"detail":{},"success":true}} [] []
[2012-12-03 2:50:35] Taleo.INFO: Using Taleo API Version: v1 [] []
[2012-12-03 2:50:35] Taleo.INFO: Host url set to : https://ch.tbe.taleo.net/CH04/ats/api/v1/ [] []
[2012-12-03 2:50:35] Taleo.INFO: Request POST: https://ch.tbe.taleo.net/CH04/ats/api/v1/login {"userName":"*******","password":"*******","orgCode":"*******"} []
[2012-12-03 2:50:36] Taleo.DEBUG: Response: {"response":{"authToken":"webapi2-726628998737XXXXXXX"},"status":{"detail":{},"success":true}} [] []
[2012-12-03 2:50:36] Taleo.INFO: Token file is too old or unavailable. Creating a new one. [] []
[2012-12-03 2:50:36] Taleo.INFO: Temporary token file: /tmp/Taleo-6PR9yJ [] []
[2012-12-03 2:50:36] Taleo.INFO: Login successful. ["webapi2-726628998737XXXXXXX"] []
[2012-12-03 2:50:36] Taleo.INFO: Request POST: https://ch.tbe.taleo.net/CH04/ats/api/v1/object/candidate {"candidate":{"city":"Toontown","country":"Be","resumeText":"This is just a test using new TALEO API.","email":"drupol@about.me","firstName":"Pol","lastName":"Dell'Aiera","status":2,"middleInitial":"P","cellPhone":"0123456789","source":"Taleo PHP Library"}} []
[2012-12-03 2:50:36] Taleo.ALERT: Error 500 {"operation":"internal","errormessage":"Content that does not conform to JSON/XML syntax as per specification","error":"Could not read JSON: Unexpected character ('c' (code 99)): expected a valid value (number, String, array, object, 'true', 'false' or 'null')n at [Source: com.rf.common.util.servlet.RequestResponseRestLoggingFilter$BufferedServletInputStream@30a391c3; line: 1, column: 2]; nested exception is org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException: Unexpected character ('c' (code 99)): expected a valid value (number, String, array, object, 'true', 'false' or 'null')n at [Source: com.rf.common.util.servlet.RequestResponseRestLoggingFilter$BufferedServletInputStream@30a391c3; line: 1, column: 2]","errorcode":"500"} []
drupol commented 11 years ago

This question is also posted on TaleoExchange: http://knowledgeexchange.taleo.com/thread/9567

drupol commented 11 years ago

Problem fixed!