Open weitzman opened 7 years ago
Now that Symfony pr is merged, what do we need to do to support these options in our config?
This feature is only in Symfony 5+ (so Drupal 10+). We need support in consolidation/config; I think it should be easy, but I don't remember the code very well, will need to look at it. I don't think that Drush will need to do anything.
In my opinion, this problem still occurs in the following configuration:
asm89/stack-cors v2.2.0 Cross-origin resource sharing library and stack middleware
chi-teck/drupal-code-generator 3.4.0 Drupal code generator
composer/installers v2.2.0 A multi-framework Composer library installer
composer/semver 3.4.0 Semver library that offers utilities, version constraint parsing and validation.
consolidation/annotated-command 4.9.2 Initialize Symfony Console commands from annotated command class methods.
consolidation/config 2.1.2 Provide configuration services for a commandline tool.
consolidation/filter-via-dot-access-data 2.0.2 This project uses dflydev/dot-access-data to provide simple output filtering for applications built with annotated-command / Robo.
consolidation/log 3.0.0 Improved Psr-3 / Psr\Log logger based on Symfony Console components.
consolidation/output-formatters 4.3.2 Format text by applying transformations provided by plug-in formatters.
consolidation/robo 4.0.6 Modern task runner
consolidation/self-update 2.2.0 Provides a self:update command for Symfony Console applications.
consolidation/site-alias 4.0.1 Manage alias records for local and remote sites.
consolidation/site-process 5.2.0 A thin wrapper around the Symfony Process Component that allows applications to use the Site Alias library to specify the target for a remote call.
dflydev/dot-access-data v3.0.2 Given a deep data structure, access data by dot notation.
doctrine/annotations 1.14.3 Docblock Annotations Parser
doctrine/deprecations 1.1.3 A small layer on top of trigger_error(E_USER_DEPRECATED) or PSR-3 logging with options to disable all deprecations or selectively for packages.
doctrine/lexer 2.1.1 PHP Doctrine Lexer parser library that can be used in Top-Down, Recursive Descent Parsers.
drupal/core 10.2.4 Drupal is an open source content management platform powering millions of websites and applications.
drupal/core-composer-scaffold 10.2.4 A flexible Composer project scaffold builder.
drupal/core-project-message 10.2.4 Adds a message after Composer installation.
drupal/core-recommended 10.2.4 Core and its dependencies with known-compatible minor versions. Require this project INSTEAD OF drupal/core.
drush/drush 12.4.4 Drush is a command line shell and scripting interface for Drupal, a veritable Swiss Army knife designed to make life easier for those of us who spend some of our working hou...
egulias/email-validator 4.0.2 A library for validating emails against several RFCs
grasmash/expander 3.0.0 Expands internal property references in PHP arrays file.
grasmash/yaml-cli 3.1.0 A command line tool for reading and manipulating yaml files.
guzzlehttp/guzzle 7.8.1 Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client library
guzzlehttp/promises 2.0.2 Guzzle promises library
guzzlehttp/psr7 2.6.2 PSR-7 message implementation that also provides common utility methods
league/container 4.2.2 A fast and intuitive dependency injection container.
masterminds/html5 2.8.1 An HTML5 parser and serializer.
mck89/peast v1.15.4 Peast is PHP library that generates AST for JavaScript code
nikic/php-parser v5.0.2 A PHP parser written in PHP
pear/archive_tar 1.4.14 Tar file management class with compression support (gzip, bzip2, lzma2)
pear/console_getopt v1.4.3 More info available on:
pear/pear-core-minimal v1.10.14 Minimal set of PEAR core files to be used as composer dependency
pear/pear_exception v1.0.2 The PEAR Exception base class.
phootwork/collection v3.2.2 The phootwork library fills gaps in the php language and provides better solutions than the existing ones php offers.
phootwork/lang v3.2.2 Missing PHP language constructs
phpowermove/docblock v4.0 PHP Docblock parser and generator. An API to read and write Docblocks.
psr/cache 3.0.0 Common interface for caching libraries
psr/container 2.0.2 Common Container Interface (PHP FIG PSR-11)
psr/event-dispatcher 1.0.0 Standard interfaces for event handling.
psr/http-client 1.0.3 Common interface for HTTP clients
psr/http-factory 1.0.2 Common interfaces for PSR-7 HTTP message factories
psr/http-message 2.0 Common interface for HTTP messages
psr/log 3.0.0 Common interface for logging libraries
psy/psysh v0.12.2 An interactive shell for modern PHP.
ralouphie/getallheaders 3.0.3 A polyfill for getallheaders.
sebastian/diff 4.0.6 Diff implementation
symfony/console v6.4.4 Eases the creation of beautiful and testable command line interfaces
symfony/dependency-injection v6.4.4 Allows you to standardize and centralize the way objects are constructed in your application
symfony/deprecation-contracts v3.4.0 A generic function and convention to trigger deprecation notices
symfony/error-handler v6.4.4 Provides tools to manage errors and ease debugging PHP code
symfony/event-dispatcher v6.4.3 Provides tools that allow your application components to communicate with each other by dispatching events and listening to them
symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts v3.4.0 Generic abstractions related to dispatching event
symfony/filesystem v6.4.3 Provides basic utilities for the filesystem
symfony/finder v6.4.0 Finds files and directories via an intuitive fluent interface
symfony/http-foundation v6.4.4 Defines an object-oriented layer for the HTTP specification
symfony/http-kernel v6.4.5 Provides a structured process for converting a Request into a Response
symfony/mailer v6.4.4 Helps sending emails
symfony/mime v6.4.3 Allows manipulating MIME messages
symfony/polyfill-ctype v1.28.0 Symfony polyfill for ctype functions
symfony/polyfill-iconv v1.28.0 Symfony polyfill for the Iconv extension
symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme v1.28.0 Symfony polyfill for intl's grapheme_* functions
symfony/polyfill-intl-idn v1.28.0 Symfony polyfill for intl's idn_to_ascii and idn_to_utf8 functions
symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer v1.28.0 Symfony polyfill for intl's Normalizer class and related functions
symfony/polyfill-mbstring v1.28.0 Symfony polyfill for the Mbstring extension
symfony/polyfill-php72 v1.29.0 Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 7.2+ features to lower PHP versions
symfony/polyfill-php80 v1.29.0 Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 8.0+ features to lower PHP versions
symfony/polyfill-php81 v1.29.0 Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 8.1+ features to lower PHP versions
symfony/polyfill-php83 v1.28.0 Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 8.3+ features to lower PHP versions
symfony/process v6.4.4 Executes commands in sub-processes
symfony/psr-http-message-bridge v6.4.3 PSR HTTP message bridge
symfony/routing v6.4.5 Maps an HTTP request to a set of configuration variables
symfony/serializer v6.4.4 Handles serializing and deserializing data structures, including object graphs, into array structures or other formats like XML and JSON.
symfony/service-contracts v3.4.1 Generic abstractions related to writing services
symfony/string v6.4.4 Provides an object-oriented API to strings and deals with bytes, UTF-8 code points and grapheme clusters in a unified way
symfony/translation-contracts v3.4.1 Generic abstractions related to translation
symfony/validator v6.4.4 Provides tools to validate values
symfony/var-dumper v6.4.4 Provides mechanisms for walking through any arbitrary PHP variable
symfony/var-exporter v6.4.4 Allows exporting any serializable PHP data structure to plain PHP code
symfony/yaml v6.4.3 Loads and dumps YAML files
twig/twig v3.8.0 Twig, the flexible, fast, and secure template language for PHP
webflo/drupal-finder 1.2.2 Helper class to locate a Drupal installation from a given path.
Correct, this would need to be supported in consolidation/config and/or consolidation/annotated-command. I have a vague memory of looking into this and discovering that Symfony decided that boolean options do not need default values, destroying our ability to fix this. I don't quite recall, but I think that's why I didn't make any progress here.
For example, the following does have any effect as seen by the command callback not getting right value in $options.