drusin / spotify-connect-router

Small webserver to enable easy transfer of Spotify playback to other Spotify Connect devices
MIT License
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[Question] Can this be used to create virtual spotify routing devices for Smart reactions? #2

Open sorryusernameisalreadytaken opened 3 years ago

sorryusernameisalreadytaken commented 3 years ago

I see your project here and ask myself if it can handle my old spotify problem.

For example, what smart-reaction could mean: ~I own an onkyo av and that had a second zone. Onkyo did aloud manually to stream to that device as 1 spotify connect device and you can choose to play on onkyo in normal-zone, change it to zone2 or play on both. So in spotify I can just choose my single onkyo device and onkyo remember the last played area to play that. My dream would be to create 3 virtual-spotify-devices. 1st: When I choose it on spotify (virtual device) it is called Zone1 and it connects to my AV with network and setup spotify to zone one. 2nd: A virtual spotity device what is called Zone2 and set the av with network to play the spotify stream on that zone. 3rd: Both/all. Set spotify input to play on both zones.

Another example for smart-reaction could be: ~Making a bridge between to a real spotifyconnect device to shut it on (wifi or zigbee power-plug). Some spotify-connect devices take a lot of power in standby.

I manually can do avoid both situations but it sucks and it its not IT like 👯‍♀️

Seems I am not alone with this problem (av): https://www.avforums.com/threads/which-receiver-to-cast-spotify-to-zone-2-separately.2131786/ https://www.listeningpost.co.nz/Spotify-Zone-2-Yamaha-__I.159328__N.81089

Did you think this is possible with a manipulation (fork) of your git?

drusin commented 3 years ago

I don't have a device with spotify Zones, so I cannot try it out. But if you set the project up and reach the "setup page" (following the readme), all devices in your network currently supported by the API should be listed there.