Each item takes up 2 rows, he 2nd row contains "notes" about the item so it has a colspan of the column number of the table.
I'd like this table to be sortable, but in the default implementation, the "notes" rows remain in their place after sorting (the non-notes rows are sorted properly).
I had a similar issue, actually, and I "solved" it by moving the second rows after their main rows using the sorted event. You can see how this works in the JSFiddle I made: https://jsfiddle.net/tr4hd2k8/
I have a table in the following structure:
Each item takes up 2 rows, he 2nd row contains "notes" about the item so it has a colspan of the column number of the table.
I'd like this table to be sortable, but in the default implementation, the "notes" rows remain in their place after sorting (the non-notes rows are sorted properly).
Is there a way this can be done? Thanks!