drvic10k / bootstrap-sortable

adding sorting ability to bootstrap table
MIT License
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Sortable table inside a cell of another sortable table = KO #88

Closed marcreig closed 8 years ago

marcreig commented 8 years ago

Hi again...

sorry man, but I'm using your plugin since many months ago and I love it!

But every time I use it, I find things...

This time as I already said to you on last thread, a sortable table inside another sortable table, has 2 problems:

1) Parent table has one column with default-datasort="asc". Inner table too. Parent appears correctly sorted. Inner table, appears DESC sorted. Having shoot on document.ready() the (and without it, happens the same, but symbols appears reversed to my point of understanding, you know... but problem is the same, bad sorting on inner table):

$.bootstrapSortable({applyLast: false, sign: 'reversed'});

2) When you sort parent table, inner table loses it's symbols. Keeps sorting always, but loses symbols.

There goes the Fiddle:


Thanks for your time.


drvic10k commented 8 years ago

indeed, the class is removed I will have a look at it

marcreig commented 8 years ago

Class is problem 2. But problem 1 is the "main" prob. What do you think about inversed sorting inside?

edit: oh! and if you solve this issue, please, remember to solve before-sort bug too! ;D

marcreig commented 8 years ago

So, have you test something more?

In my opinion there are currently 3 active issues on plugin:

  1. "before-sort", not triggered on load time.
  2. the inner sortable table inside another sortable table, loses header classes (pointers) when sorting through parent headers.
  3. the inner sortable table inside another sortable table, having a column default-datasort="asc" and the parent one too, happens to appear sorted inversed. So parent table appears ASC as expected, but inner sortable tables appears DESC, when should be ASC too.

Is that ok? I guess you can create a new version now... ;D

drvic10k commented 8 years ago

I am really happy, that you are interested in the plugin. I am actively maintaining the plugin in my free time, but that is limited.

However, feel free to fork the repo and make a pull request.

marcreig commented 8 years ago

Good morning.

I only need to know if there's going to be an update soon.


drvic10k commented 8 years ago

sorry, no update soon

marcreig commented 8 years ago

Hey! So, no updates yet? 3 months has past already...

The only existing problem on my intranet app right now, is the 3 things commented before on top related with your sort plugin.

I need to know if you would finally update it or not, so I can change to another working plugin existing on the internet, in case you won't. Time ago, you used to mantain it cristal clear on a regular basis. I understand you have limited free time, but come on...

Kind reegards.