drvic10k / bootstrap-sortable

adding sorting ability to bootstrap table
MIT License
513 stars 131 forks source link

publish to NPM? #92

Open kevzettler opened 8 years ago

kevzettler commented 8 years ago

i'm seeing a package.json but not finding this on npm?

drvic10k commented 8 years ago

it's not on npm, it's on bower and on nuget

I will check how publishing to npm works and if it won't be too complicated, I can add it there too

zalox commented 8 years ago

@kevzettler I managed to use this package through npm by manually adding:


"bootstrap-sortable": "git://github.com/drvic10k/bootstrap-sortable.git#3228ddab69ee6af8808d6be377e532ef0da5a563"

Where 3228ddab69ee6af8808d6be377e532ef0da5a563 corresponds to version 1.12