I was getting this error in my knockout, breeze application with durandal.
uncaught SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Element': 'td:nth-child(NaN)' is not a valid selector
Adding '$.bootstrapSortable(true);' to the Durandal function, 'compositionComplete' of my view model fixed the issue. compositionComplete is called when Durandal has completed composition of the entire page.
Just thought this might help someone one day.
Thanks for making this easy to install bootstrap sorting add-in,
I was getting this error in my knockout, breeze application with durandal.
uncaught SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Element': 'td:nth-child(NaN)' is not a valid selector
Adding '$.bootstrapSortable(true);' to the Durandal function, 'compositionComplete' of my view model fixed the issue. compositionComplete is called when Durandal has completed composition of the entire page.
Just thought this might help someone one day.
Thanks for making this easy to install bootstrap sorting add-in, Alex