drwhut / tabletop-club

An open-source platform for playing tabletop games in a physics-based 3D environment for Windows, macOS, and Linux! Made with the Godot Engine.
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Use TSV instead of cfg files #158

Closed GrimPixel closed 1 year ago

GrimPixel commented 1 year ago

TSV will be more convenient and compact than the current cfg.

[52-Card Deck]
name = "52 speelkaarten"
desc = "52 Franse speelkaarten, exclusief jokers."

[Ace of Clubs]
name = "Klaverenaas"
desc = "Een Franse speelkaart."
52-Card Deck    52 speelkaarten 52 Franse speelkaarten, exclusief jokers.
Ace of Clubs    Klaverenaas Een Franse speelkaart.
youkaicountry commented 1 year ago

It more be more compact, but I do not think this would be more convineient. It would force the user to give a value for every possible variable, and enforce strict ordering. It would also make the files a bit confusing to work with for a human, since to know what value you are modifying you would have to keep track of which column is being modified.

GrimPixel commented 1 year ago

It can work for locales. The first row can be ignored by the program.

    name    desc
52-Card Deck    52 speelkaarten 52 Franse speelkaarten, exclusief jokers.
Ace of Clubs    Klaverenaas Een Franse speelkaart.
elmodor commented 1 year ago

I also find TSV more difficult to read. Guess I am used to the current config layout because it is often used.

drwhut commented 1 year ago

I agree, it is somewhat hard to read. As was mentioned, the only tangible benefit for the new format would be it's compactness, but IMO the current system isn't "bloated". Plus, it is consistent with the other configuration files the game uses, and it is a well-known standard (INI).