dry-rb / dry-transaction

Business transaction DSL
MIT License
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Documentation improvement #115

Open thibpoullain opened 5 years ago

thibpoullain commented 5 years ago

Hi guys,

Thanks for your work ! Could it be possible to write a little bit more documentation (exemples, etc.), because it's very very light. Hard and almost impossible to get in without exemples on google.

Thx again ! :)

nicolas-besnard commented 5 years ago

hey @thibpoullain,

Can you provide links that helped you? I'm sure it'll help other people!

Also, what kind of example do you think might help others?

thibpoullain commented 5 years ago

Hi @nicolas-besnard,

Sure, I gather the links and I'll post them here !

wilsonch commented 5 years ago

👍 Would appreciate some documentation around how to upgrade from 0.12.1 to 0.13.0 Changes did not seem to be backward compatible.

e.g. this minimal example worked in 0.12.1

class MyOp include Dry::Transaction::Operation
  def call(input)
    Failure('Failure in my_op')

module MyContainer
  class << self
    def container
      { my_op: MyOp.new }

class MyTransaction
  include Dry::Transaction(container: MyContainer.container)

  step :my_op

In 0.13.0, we get: Dry::Transaction::MissingStepError (Definition for step +my_op+ is missing)