dryabov / rmathbr

Repeating of math hyphenation mark in inline equations
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sub/sup-scripts with mhchem #1

Closed TomPcz closed 3 years ago

TomPcz commented 8 years ago

Sub/sup-scripts in mhchem package are broken with rmathbr. Example:

\ce{CO2}, \ce{H2O}

In this example, "2" should be \scriptsize subscript. If I load rmarhbr package, "2" is much bigger than it should be.

Moreover, we use this definition of \_ and \^ (text sub/sup-scripts):

\let\underscore\_                                       % underscore sign
\let\xor\^                                              % xor sign
\renewcommand\_[1]{\ifmmode _{\textnormal{#1}}\else\underscore#1\fi} %roman subscript
\renewcommand\^[1]{\ifmmode ^{\textnormal{#1}}\else\xor#1\fi} %roman superscript

This is also broken with rmathbr. In this example: $x\_a y\^a$ the sub/sup-script "a" gets much bigger with rmathbr.

Could you please fix this?

dryabov commented 3 years ago

Fixed in 1.1