dryark / controlfloor

System for controlling devices remotely
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Acess controlfloor from another computer #34

Closed yashashetty closed 1 year ago

yashashetty commented 2 years ago

Hi , I was able to bring up controll floor in my local Mac.I want to access it using another machine on a browser .How could I do it .

SPrasadT commented 2 years ago

You mean, within the same LAN or from some remote network?

yashashetty commented 2 years ago

@SPrasadT using some remote network

nanoscopic commented 1 year ago

You would need to have your machine on a public IP, or having public routable IP forwarded to your machine.

There are a bunch of ways to do this:

  1. If your IP address is actually publicly routeable, setup a port forward on your router ( if your ISP allows it ) from some port to the local machine with the IP address CF is running on. This should generally work for most people.
  2. Run a paid VPN such as airvpn.org, and setup a port forward on your public exit IP. This will work if your ISP is Natting you and you have no actual public IP.
  3. Run some small service in the cloud that forwards requests from itself to your machine.