Closed Pro-pra closed 3 months ago
Я лентяй и делаю только статическую сборку, со всеми зависимостями:
go build -o xswitcher -ldflags "-s -w" --tags static_all src/*.go
При этом, очевидно, версии импортируемых модулей не зафиксированы (будет притянуто актуальное на момент отработки go import xxx
Вы можете написать "go.mod" по своему усмотрению и положить в src/
, потом оформить это патчем в rpmbuild/SOURCES/
в библиотеку "keybd_event".Как я понимаю, нужно превратить содержимое секций "import" в "require" отдельного файла "go.mod" и переключиться на "модульный" режим сборки (или как его там).
Я лентяй и делаю только статическую сборку, со всеми зависимостями:
ну это бы тоже подошло, пусть статикой будет, вопрос только в том, зависимости как подсунуть? т.е. куда положить keybd_event и других чтобы они подхватились и все собралось?
Конечно я сделаю архив с нужными зависимостями, главное знать куда его распаковать
Для этого придётся всё-таки немного разобраться где/что ищет компилятор go. Пример у меня под рукой:
# export | grep -i go
declare -x GOPATH="/home/xxx/Documents/GO"
declare -x GOROOT="/usr/lib64/go/1.14"
Это прописано у меня в ".bashrc":
export GOROOT="/usr/lib64/go/1.14"
export GOPATH="/home/xxx/Documents/GO"
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin
Всё импортируемое go import
раскладывает по подкаталогам${GOPATH}/src/
В частности, в src/
надо подсунуть файлик "keybd_linux_export.go".
А каталоги embeddedConfig/
и exec/
переместить в src/xswitcher/
(предварительно его создав).
После всех манипуляций, должна отрабатывать команда из комментария выше go build …
. И можно приступить к сборке rpm.
В приготовлении spec-файла может помочь статья от RH.
Спасибо. пока получился вот такой черновой спек
надо подсунуть файлик "keybd_linux_export.go"
я его подсунул, надо ли что-то еще прописать для него?
проверил запуск, на дефолтном конфиге выдает:
Config error: [[WindowClasses]] must be a slice of sections, not a single [WindowClasses] section
Наверное keybd_event недоделал я?
Please, help me!
Да, прошу прощения. Иногда пропускаю письма. Покажите пожалуйста вывод "xswitcher -d" у собранного. Выглядит так как будто "[[WindowClasses]]" в "config.go" (или самом "xswitcher.conf") приезжает с побитой второй парой скобок. Но я пока не понял почему.
В конфиге все в порядке, качаю бинарник из гита и подсовываю - работает. xswitcher -d чуть позже сделаю
> # ./xswitcher -d
> # xswitcher config file. Uses TOML markup language.
> [ScanDevices]
> # Must exist on start. Self-respawn in case it is younger then 30s
> Test = "/dev/input/event0"
> Respawn = 30
> # Search mask
> Search = "/dev/input/event*"
> # In my thinkPads there are such a pseudo-keyboards whith tons of unnecessary events.
> Bypass = "(?i)Video|Camera" # "(?i)" obviously differs from "classic" pcre's.
> [Keyboard]
> Delay = 5 # Delay in the virtual keyboard before sending the next event
> [Templates] # "@name@" to simplify expressions
> # Words can consist of these chars (regex) !!! There must be only "canonic" key names, or regex will fail to match !!!
> "COMPOSE" = "([0-9=-]|[LR]_BRACE)"
> # actions = (Add, Drop, Test), key codes are defined in "keys.go".
> # !!! To be converted into jump matrix inside. Avoid stupid cyclic tests!!!
> [ActionKeys]
> Layouts = [0, 1] # Don't impact extra languages (e.g., Chinese)
> # Collect key and do the test for command sequence
> # !!! Repeat codes (code=2) must be collected once per key!
> Add = ["1..0", "-", "=", "BACKSPACE", "Q..]", "L_CTRL..CAPS", "N_LOCK", "S_LOCK",
> # Drop all collected keys, including this. This is default action.
> # Store extra map for these keys, when any is in "down" state.
> # State is checked via "OFF:"|"ON:" conditions in action.
> # (Also, state of these keys must persist between buffer drops.)
> # ToDo: StateKeys are hardcoded now.
> StateKeys = ["L_CTRL", "L_SHIFT", "L_ALT", "L_META", "CAPS", "N_LOCK", "S_LOCK",
> "R_CTRL", "R_SHIFT", "R_ALT", "R_META"]
> # Test only, but don't collect.
> # E.g., I use F12 instead of BREAK on dumb laptops whith shitty keyboards (new ThinkPads)
> Test = ["F1..F10", "ZENKAKUHANKAKU", "102ND", "F11", "F12",
> # Some behaviour can depend on application currently doing the input.
> # During runtime, [WindowClasses] are checked in the order in wich they are declared in this config.
> [[WindowClasses]]
> # VNC, VirtualBox, qemu etc. emulates there input independently, so never intercept.
> # With the exception of some stupid VNC clients, which does high-level (layout-based) keyboard input.
> Regex = "^(VirtualBox|Focus-Proxy-Window)"
> Actions = "" # Do nothing while focus stays in VirtualBox | ATEN-based java VNC-console
> [[WindowClasses]]
> Regex = "^konsole"
> # In general, mouse clicks leads to unpredictable (at the low-level where xswitcher resides) cursor jumps.
> # So, it's good choise to drop all buffers after click.
> # But some windows, e.g. terminals, can stay out of this problem.
> MouseClickDrops = false
> Actions = "Actions"
> [[WindowClasses]] # Default behaviour: no Regex (or wildcard like ".")
> MouseClickDrops = true
> Actions = "Actions"
> # action = [ test1, test2, ... ]
> # test = (ON|OFF|SEQ):(regex)
> # "ON:(regex)" - True if at least one of pressed state keys matches regex.
> # "OFF:(regex)" - True if no one of state keys matches regex.
> # Note the virtual state key "WORD". It's "pressed" just after the RetypeWord and stays down until NewWord.
> # "SEQ:(regex)" — True if last key events (the comma-separated chain of up to SeqLength events) matches regex.
> # Use "xswitcher -t" in command line to view typed chain in STDERR.
> [Actions]
> # Inverse regex is hard to understand, so extract negation to external condition.
> # Expresions will be checked in direct order, one-by-one. Condition succceds when ALL results are True.
> # Maximum key sequence length, extra keys will be dropped. More length - more CPU.
> SeqLength = 12
> # Count only those chars in word which must be removed (by sending the same count of BS keys) while "RetypeWord".
> WordChars = "(^@WORD@:0$)"
> # Drop word buffer and start collecting new one
> # !!! Note that (@WORD@:1) /key-press/ at the end of regex allows to collect the last char,
> # while (@WORD@:0) cuts the WORD strictly at the end of sequence. !!!
> # --- In my layout, R_META selects 5'th layout and R_ALT does "compose". ---
> NewWord = [ "SEQ:(@SEPARATOR@:[12]),(((CAPS:[012])|([LR]_SHIFT:[12])|(R_META:0)|((@WORD@|@SEPARATOR@):0)),)*(@WORD@:1)", # "@WORD@:0" then collects the char
> "SEQ:(@WORD@:2,@WORD@:0)", # Drop repeated char at all: unlikely it needs correction
> "SEQ:(BACKSPACE:0)", # Drop buffer just afrer BACKSPACE
> # Control sequences. !!! Must be dropped ASAP.
> "SEQ:((([LR]_CTRL|L_ALT|[LR]_META):[12])(,((@WORD@|@SEPARATOR@):[012]))+(,(([LR]_CTRL|L_ALT|[LR]_META):0))+(,@WORD@:1)?)", # "@WORD@:0" then collects the char
> "ON:(WORD) SEQ:(,@WORD@:1)" ] # New input after previous correction. "@WORD@:0" then collects the char
> # Drop all buffers
> NewSentence = [ "SEQ:(ENTER:0)" ]
> # In some windows the single char must be deleted by single BS, so there is need in compose sequence detector.
> Compose = [ "OFF:(CTRL|L_ALT|META|SHIFT) SEQ:(R_ALT:1(,R_ALT:2)?(,[LR]_SHIFT:[12])*(,@COMPOSE@:1,@COMPOSE@:0)(,[LR]_SHIFT:0)?(,@COMPOSE@:1,@COMPOSE@:0),R_ALT:0)",
> # !!! Note that xswitcher counts extra keys as the length of matched SEQ:() !!!
> # So, any regex for "RetypeWord" SEQ must be EXACT ONE. Otherwise, xswitcher will generate the troubles for You.
> "Action.RetypeWord" = [ "OFF:(CTRL|ALT|META|SHIFT) SEQ:(PAUSE:1,PAUSE:0)",
> "OFF:(CTRL|ALT|META|SHIFT) SEQ:(F12:1,F12:0)" ]
> "Action.CyclicSwitch" = [ "OFF:(R_CTRL|ALT|META|SHIFT) SEQ:(L_CTRL:1,L_CTRL:0)" ] # Single short LEFT CONTROL
> "Action.Respawn" = [ "OFF:(CTRL|ALT|META|SHIFT) SEQ:(S_LOCK:2,S_LOCK:0)" ] # Long-pressed SCROLL LOCK
> "Action.Layout0" = [ "OFF:(CTRL|ALT|META|R_SHIFT) SEQ:(L_SHIFT:1,L_SHIFT:0)" ] # Single short LEFT SHIFT
> "Action.Layout1" = [ "OFF:(CTRL|ALT|META|L_SHIFT) SEQ:(R_SHIFT:1,R_SHIFT:0)" ] # Single short RIGHT SHIFT
> "Action.Hook1" = [ "OFF:(CTRL|R_ALT|META|SHIFT) SEQ:(L_ALT:1,L_ALT:0)" ]
> # Action is the array, so actions could be chained (m.b., infinitely... Have I to check this?).
> # For each action type, extra named parameters could be collected. Invalid parameters will be ignored(?).
> [Action.RetypeWord] # Switch layout, drop last word and type it again
> Action = [ "Action.CyclicSwitch", "RetypeWord" ] # Call Switch() between layouts tuned below, then RetypeWord()
> [Action.CyclicSwitch] # Cyclic layout switching
> Action = [ "Switch" ] # Internal layout switcher func
> Layouts = [0, 1]
> [Action.Layout0] # Direct layout selection
> Action = [ "Layout" ] # Internal layout selection func
> Layout = 0
> [Action.Layout1] # Direct layout selection
> Action = [ "Layout" ] # Internal layout selection func
> Layout = 1
> [Action.Respawn] # Completely respawn xswitcher. Reload config as well
> Action = [ "Respawn" ]
> [Action.Hook1] # Run external commands
> Action = [ "Exec" ]
> Exec = "cat > /tmp/xxx" # All the input after the 1'st space will be reassembled into the CLI args.
> # Timeout = 1000 # Wait up to 1 second, then kill the executing process.
> # Wait = true # Wait for termination, then output the result to STDOUT|STDERR.
> # External hook can process collected buffer by it's own means.
> # The last typed word, or sentence, or just the custom string could be passed to stdIn.
> SendBuffer = "WORD" # "WORD"|"SENTENCE"|"any custom input\n"
> UseShell = true # Execute inside /bin/bash
> # Directory = "/path/to/" # Change the working directory to this one.
> CleanEnv = true # Run command inside the clean environment.
> Environment = [ "var=value" ] # A set of environment variables.
> # Use the specific user/group.
> UID = "root"
> GID = "root"
> panic: Config error: [[WindowClasses]] must be a slice of sections, not a single [WindowClasses] section
> goroutine 1 [running]:
> main.config()
> /builddir/build/BUILD/xswitcher-1.0/_build/src/ +0x3565
> main.main()
> /builddir/build/BUILD/xswitcher-1.0/_build/src/ +0x277
Да, это 99% баг в свежем "go-toml". Попробуйте в Вашем "src/" сделать "git checkout" на коммит "c9a09d8".
Да, заработало. spec исправил, собрал в репозитарий. Спасибо.
Последние сборки версионируются через "go.mod" (просто потому что новые версии go по-другому не собирают). На этом закрываю тикет.
Приветствую, пытаюсь сделать rpm для дистрибутива Rosa linux. Поддерживается ли каталог vendor с установленными в него зависимостями?
делаю go mod vendor , но выдается ошибка что go.mod не найден.