ds0nt / metamaps-docker

Metamaps Dockerized
4 stars 1 forks source link

initial run mm job fails #2

Open almereyda opened 9 years ago

almereyda commented 9 years ago
 ~/Fundus/github.com/metagen/metamaps-docker master$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
401a2c892d60        postgres:latest     "/docker-entrypoint.   8 minutes ago       Up 8 minutes        5432/tcp            mm-postgres         
$ ./docker.sh run mm
[docker.sh] Verifying DB Container
Found 401a2c892d60
[docker.sh] Cleaning Any MM Containers
[docker.sh] Running MM
Unable to find image 'metamaps:latest' locally
Pulling repository metamaps
FATA[0002] Error: image library/metamaps:latest not found 

I didn't check the sources yet (it's christmas, hey!), so I'm leaving this as a pointer. Might be just a naming issue.

ds0nt commented 9 years ago

Is it because you havn't run ./docker.sh build ?

If so, I can keep BASHing away (ha ha)

almereyda commented 9 years ago

Nono, I've ran all the steps as needed. prepare, build and run db ran beforehand, as you see the mm-postgres container is running successfully.