ds300 / jetzt

Speed reader extension for chrome
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Font size change hotkeys not working #125

Open ajkessel opened 10 years ago

ajkessel commented 10 years ago

Pulled extension today (9ef52dc97c5b926bca502fbf279aee10776407eb) and + and - aren't doing anything--can't change the size of the displayed text.

ds300 commented 10 years ago

fixed in 56014425628f557c7796bc6d8f8091dbee4dbd1b

Thanks for pointing it out :)

ajkessel commented 10 years ago

Just tried latest build--"-" (smaller) works, but not "+" (bigger).

ds300 commented 10 years ago

Can anyone else confirm this? Works for me.

ajkessel commented 10 years ago

Maybe the issue here is just the the max size is too small. If I first shrink the box with "-" I can grow with "+", but only to a certain size (which was my starting size). On my laptop screen, the max size there is fine, but on my 30" LCD it is too small. Is there supposed to be a max size? If so, can it be increased for larger high resolution screens?

ajkessel commented 10 years ago

Confirmed that it is just the max size is too small on big monitors. This clamp line in helpers.js is limiting it:

  config.adjustScale = function (diff) {
    this("scale", H.clamp(0, options.scale + diff, 1));

Changing "1" to "2" allows me to resize on a big screen, but then the letters aren't sharp. Presumably the better solution here is allowing the default font point size to be configurable?