ds300 / jetzt

Speed reader extension for chrome
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Spritz inc.'s Javascript SDK #138

Open h0ru5 opened 10 years ago

h0ru5 commented 10 years ago

Spritz inc now has a web-based API and a Javascript SDK with individual keys, it might be a good idea (maybe in a fork) to use the SDK for the core and have all the niceness that jetzt offers around it.

I would suggest to get into touch with Spritz Inc about this. Of course, the honour would be upon you, @ds300, as inventor and maintainer of jetzt.

thameera commented 10 years ago

But wouldn't that mean having to make a network call every time jetzt is opened? Or only when Chrome starts?

h0ru5 commented 10 years ago

valid point, it is online only. Judging from the docs, it seems the text preparation is done in the cloud and therefore needs a request, the rest is online (need to investigate on that a bit)

ds300 commented 10 years ago

I got a semi-threatening email saying that we need to use this or I will face legal action (though they can't do anything until their patent is granted, if their patent is granted). Anyway I've applied for the SDK so we'll see what's what when that comes in.

matt-gardner commented 10 years ago

Do you have a link to their patent application?

ds300 commented 10 years ago

here. I read through it earlier today; it boils down to aligning the word around an 'optimal recognition point' and splitting up words of length > 13. there's some other seriously vague and spurious junk in there, e.g. claim 31 which... what is this I don't even.

if it gets granted then jetzt definitely infringes. I can see the USPTO granting most of it, but I can't imagine anywhere in Europe giving it a second look. IANAL but perhaps we could get away with a disclaimer that says something like "The use of jetzt in the USA is illegal". That's what ubuntu used to do for various media codecs that had US patents.

thameera commented 10 years ago

This must apply to OpenSpritz as well then. They have a bold statement in their README.md.

nomicode commented 10 years ago

@ds300 did you hear back from the EFF yet?

ds300 commented 10 years ago

Yeah but it was a useless form response. It seemed like they didn't even read my email.

nomicode commented 10 years ago

Oh, that's disappointing.

nomicode commented 10 years ago

I received a tweet from the EFF's media relations director over the weekend, saying that she'd pass this along to their patent team. Hopefully you receive a follow up soon!

ds300 commented 10 years ago

Woah, thanks Noah! :)

nomicode commented 10 years ago

Just received this response:

I talked to our patent team - sadly this isn’t the kind of case we can work on directly right now. There are just too many and we need to focus on legislative reform. (more on why here: eff.org/r.wkx7) But you should respond to Amul’s email - he can help you find legal help, maybe at reduced cost. The cooperating attorneys have volunteered to help EFF and are savvy about the issues. Hope this helps.

nomicode commented 10 years ago

Some updates on this page:

