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How to investigate why some pages don't work? #140

Open orschiro opened 10 years ago

orschiro commented 10 years ago

Hi there,

How can I debug why some pages do not work with jetzt?

Take this example page. I do not get a visual selection of text when hovering over the article passages.

thameera commented 10 years ago

Looks like the problem is that the first two paragraphs in that page aren't properly formatted for jetzt to identify them as actual paragraphs. jetzt works starting from the 3rd paragraph as they have <p> tags.

Same issue with most sites that don't work properly.

orschiro commented 10 years ago


So a site-specific issue and nothing that can be influenced by jetzt?

A better detection for improperly formatted text maybe?

thameera commented 10 years ago

Yes, a better algorithm will be the only solution. Not sure if even Spritz could handle such messy text.