ds300 / prismic-react

Compiling Prismic.io content to ReactElements
Apache License 2.0
5 stars 2 forks source link

Still active? #2

Open nikolasleblanc opened 7 years ago

nikolasleblanc commented 7 years ago

Hey, messing around with prismic right now, and having some trouble with your library, but I see you haven't committed for about 8 months, so figure that probably makes sense. :)

The new (?) GroupDoc type for one seems to have broken your Group code, and unordered lists are breaking the StructuredText conversion. Basically it spits out a ul with a bunch of [object Object]s in it that are full on React components.

I'm using Nextjs and I'm also pretty new to React (ng2 guy), so I may be missing something, but figured I'd check in just in case. If you need help with the library let me know.

ds300 commented 7 years ago

I noticed Prismic have upped their game and started shipping new features at some point in the past couple of months, so no surprise that this broke :)

I will certainly need this lib to support the latest Prismic things to avoid breaking the project I originally wrote it for. I'm surprised the customer hasn't complained already! If you (or anybody) want to do it I would be super grateful. Shouldn't be much work unless they made some nasty breaking changes to existing fragment types. Let me know. Otherwise I'll try to get around to it soon.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention 👍

nikolasleblanc commented 7 years ago

No problem, and thanks for getting back to me. Been poking around in your code, any tips for getting li's rendered safely within ul? I know I could just send html to dangerouslysetinnerhtml but I'm new to React and from what I can tell that's a no no, so trying to do it right.

Curious what brought you to prismic over cosmisjs or contentful? For me, it's their free plan. :)

ds300 commented 7 years ago

I think the project I was doing ended up with Primsic because that's just what other people in my company had used before, rather than any sensible comparison with the competition.

FWIW I thought Prismic was rather lacking in many respects when I used it. The SDK was buggy, there was no write API, the query API was not well-rounded, there was no way to version document types, the docs were miserable, the UI was miserable, no singleton documents, no real help for doing i18n, and so on and so on. From what I've seen and heard of Contentful, it solves most (all?) of those problems and more. Seems like a really tight product, and I'd probably pick that next time I need an API-based CMS. Haven't looked into cosmicjs.

nikolasleblanc commented 7 years ago

Ok, good to know. Might just end this pain now then. Thanks for your help!

ds300 commented 7 years ago

For anyone else reading this: I probably won't bother maintaining this library after all. If you implement support for the new stuff, please send a PR :D Maybe I'll even grant you ownership.

TimonVS commented 7 years ago

So funny, I was just reading this issue and your comment popped up @ds300. I can't get the library working with Next.js (getting a Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined in fragments.js). I'll try to get it working though and I'll definitely send a PR if this library proofs to be useful for the website we're developing :).

ds300 commented 7 years ago

I suppose I was commenting because I saw that the project had just been starred (by you, it turns out) and I was like "damn I hope that was an accident and not somebody actually intending to use the lib" :)

Best of luck!

TimonVS commented 7 years ago

Haha, that makes sense. I was just searching for "react + prismic" and this library popped up and seemed to be useful. But I haven't had the time yet to really dig into it (or to even get it working in the first place ;)).