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How to use CiviCRM system within CABS? #39

Open ds4cabs opened 1 day ago

ds4cabs commented 1 day ago

CiviCRM is a robust, open-source Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system specifically designed for non-profit and civic sector organizations. Here’s a basic guide on how to get started and use some of its core functionalities:

1. Installation and Setup

2. Configuring CiviCRM

3. Managing Contacts

4. Contributions and Fundraising

5. Event Management

6. Membership Management

7. Communications

8. Reports and Analysis

9. Extensions and Integrations

10. Maintenance and Security

Training and Community Support

CiviCRM is highly customizable, which means you can adapt it extensively to fit the specific needs of your organization. For detailed guidance and problem resolution, regularly refer to the official documentation and participate in community support platforms.

ds4cabs commented 1 day ago

CiviCRM Installation and Configuration Guide for WordPress

CiviCRM is a powerful open-source CRM tailored specifically for non-profit and civic sectors. This guide will walk you through the process of installing and configuring CiviCRM on a WordPress platform.

Step 1: Download and Install CiviCRM

Before you begin, ensure your server meets CiviCRM's system requirements. Then, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the WordPress Plugins Directory: Open an SSH connection to your server and enter the WordPress plugins directory:

    cd /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/
  2. Download CiviCRM: Fetch the latest stable release of CiviCRM from SourceForge:

    wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/civicrm/civicrm-stable/4.6.9/civicrm-4.6.9-wordpress.zip
  3. Create a Directory for Files: Make a directory to store CiviCRM files and set the appropriate permissions:

    mkdir files
    chmod 777 files
  4. Install Unzip Utility: Install unzip if it is not already installed on your system:

    • For Debian/Ubuntu:

      sudo apt-get install unzip
    • For Fedora:

      sudo dnf install unzip
  5. Unzip the Installation Package: Unpack the downloaded file:

    unzip civicrm-4.6.9-wordpress.zip
  6. Change File Ownership: Assign ownership of the files to the web server's user:

    sudo chown -R www-data:www-data *

Step 2: Create a Database for CiviCRM

  1. Log into MySQL: Access your MySQL server:

    mysql -u root -p
  2. Create a New Database: Set up a new database named civicrm:

    CREATE DATABASE civicrm;
  3. Create a Database User: Grant privileges to a new user dedicated to CiviCRM:

    GRANT ALL ON civicrm.* TO civiuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

Step 3: Configure CiviCRM in WordPress Admin

  1. Activate the CiviCRM Plugin: Go to the plugins page in your WordPress admin panel and enable CiviCRM.

  2. Run the CiviCRM Installer: Navigate to "CiviCRM Installer" found in the settings menu and input the database information you set up earlier.

Step 4: Resolve Database Trigger Creation Issue

If you encounter a "could not create a database trigger" error, follow these steps:

  1. Edit MySQL Configuration: Open the MySQL configuration file:

    sudo vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf
  2. Modify the Settings: Add this line under the [mysqld] section:

    log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1
  3. Restart MySQL Service: Apply the changes by restarting MySQL:

    sudo service mysql restart
  4. Re-check Requirements: Go back to the CiviCRM setup in WordPress and click "Re-check Requirements".

Step 5: Basic Configuration Post-Installation

  1. Configure Essential Settings: In the CiviCRM home dashboard, set up your organization's name, email address, and CiviCRM mailing configurations.

  2. Synchronize WordPress Users: Integrate WordPress users into CiviCRM by navigating to “Administer” > “Users and Permissions” > “Synchronize Users to Contacts”.

  3. Complete the Configuration Checklist: Ensure all necessary settings are configured by following the “Configuration Checklist” under “Administer” > “Administration Console”.