ds4owd-001 / project-ljc3084

This project report has been prepared for the data science for openwashdata course.
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Project review #5

Closed mianzg closed 3 days ago

mianzg commented 3 months ago

@ljc3084 Congrats again on accomplishing your capstone project! We are happy that you went through the course with us and applied the skills in the project.

I am reviewing your project on "Borehole Data Analysis for Clean Water Access". Note that my review does not have any assessment on the writing content of the report, but I did enjoy reading it and learnt new stuff.

Please find the detailed feedback in the next section.

mianzg commented 3 months ago

@ljc3084 You completed most of the items in the Required Items. Great job!

We would encourage you to improve on the missing items: Technical You have a good webpage of the report where the yaml header is correct and hides the warning messages. However,

  1. Each data visualisation has a label defined in the code-chunk options, and each data visualisation is cross-referenced in the narrative using the defined label from the code-chunk options. What you have now should go into "caption" instead of "label", and you did not use cross-reference for the figures in the report. For example, the following figure code chunk

The histogram below showing the distribution of well depth across two districts.

#| label: Histogram showing distribution of well_depth per district

ggplot(data = district_column,
       mapping = aes(x = well_depth,
                     fill = district)) +
  xlab("Borehole Depth(m)")+
  ylab("No. of Boreholes")+
labs(title = "Borehole population served summary, data from two districts")

could be improved to:

The histogram @fig-welldepth-hist showing the distribution of well depth across two districts.

#| label: fig-welldepth-hist
#| fig-cap: Histogram showing distribution of well_depth per district

ggplot(data = district_column,
       mapping = aes(x = well_depth,
                     fill = district)) +
  xlab("Borehole Depth(m)")+
  ylab("No. of Boreholes")+
labs(title = "Borehole population served summary, data from two districts")
  1. The table label must start with the tbl- prefix, so you need to change #| label: tbl_bhr_summary to #| label: tbl-bhr_summary in line 171

Data Well-documented dictionary csvfile for data understanding. However, your readme file is missing information

Intellectual All sections are written concisely and the figures are provided with good explanations. The third figure "Boreholes repaired by quarter" might be better plotted with x axis as the year and the fill as the quarter. Why? Based on your text, you would like to compare which quarter where majority of boreholes were repaired within a year, then you have a bar for each year that is divided into four-colour bars to do the comparison.

mianzg commented 3 months ago

@ljc3084 Furthermore, we would like to have your project and data turning into an openwashdata data package! That means, we will develop an R data package that you will be an author. You and others can directly use a tidy version of the data in R later. Please let us know if you are interested in this! @margauxgo @larnsce

ljc3084 commented 3 months ago

Hello @mianzg thank you for all the suggestions about the data. Looking through my project again, alot of your suggestions do make sense, so I have adopted them. The one I appreciate the most is the one relating to the column chart which is my third figure.

Thank you for considering my project and data for the openwash data package too.

mianzg commented 2 months ago

Hello @mianzg thank you for all the suggestions about the data. Looking through my project again, alot of your suggestions do make sense, so I have adopted them. The one I appreciate the most is the one relating to the column chart which is my third figure.

Thank you for considering my project and data for the openwash data package too.

@ljc3084 This is great to hear! I have added this to our data list, and we will start to develop the package together.

Data list: https://github.com/openwashdata/data/issues/29

For your next step, could you support us by updating this README file: https://github.com/ds4owd-001/project-ljc3084/blob/master/data/processed/README.md

I saw you have filled in most information, and I would appreciate if you provide more background by updating it. Thanks! Let me know if you have any questions.

ljc3084 commented 2 months ago

Hello @mianzg I've made updates to the ReadMe document as requested.

margauxgo commented 1 month ago

Hi @ljc3084 I am currently working on developing a data package for your data and would be happy if you could add the raw data to the data-raw folder of ugabore! I have already invited you as a collaborator there.

ljc3084 commented 1 month ago

Hello @margauxgo I've added the borehole raw data as requested. Thanks