ds4se / chapters

Perspectives on Data Science for Software Engineering
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First review #102

Closed hongyujohn closed 8 years ago

hongyujohn commented 8 years ago

Title of chapter

Perspectives on Data Science for Software Engineering

URL to the chapter



This is an introduction to this book.


Yes, the chapter is written in an accessible manner, and is suitable for general audience.



Gotta Mantra?


Best Points

Good desriptions about the motivation of this book.

Things to Change

There are several typos in the chapter. For example: . colloberating => collaborating . this book explore => this book explores . data analytucs => data analytics . we have create => we have created . All this information => All these information

What is "minute to minute actions"?

About the definition of "products", need to make sure that it is consistent across the entire book.

The second reference is not used? [2] F. Akiyama, “An Example of Software System Debugging,” Information Processing, vol. 71, 1971, pp. 353-359.