ds4se / chapters

Perspectives on Data Science for Software Engineering
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Reducing Time to Insight (T. Carnahan) #112

Closed siravegas closed 8 years ago

siravegas commented 8 years ago

Review template

Before filling in this review, please read our Advice to Reviewers.

(If you have confidential comments about this chapter, please email them to one of the book editors.)

Title of chapter

Reducing Time to Insight

URL to the chapter



What is the chapter's clear and approachable take away message?

Producing insights faster to improve results faster. Avoiding being too late.


Is the chapters written for a generalist audience (no excessive use of technical terminology) with a minimum of diagrams and references? How can it be made more accessible to generalist?

It is written for a generalist audience. It is already accessible.


Is the chapter the right length?


Should anything missing be added?


Can anything superfluous be removed (e.g. by deleting some section that does not work so well or by using less jargon, less formulae, lees diagrams, less references).?


What are the aspects of the chapter that authors SHOULD change?

1. Perhaps the "what to do" section could be organised in a way that the different items can be related to each other. As they are now they are a bit confusing. A possibility could be organising them according to the phases identified in the figure.

2. First paragraph of the chapter: "I'll assert are you are...".

Gotta Mantra?

We encouraged (but did not require) the chapter title to be a mantra or something cute/catchy, i.e., some slogan reflecting best practice for data science for SE? If you have suggestion for a better title, please put them here.

No need to change the title. Perhaps the author could consider adding something like: "Avoiding being too late" or something like that. Something that includes "too late" in the title.

Best Points

What are the best points of the chapter that the authors should NOT change?

In general, how the chapter has been written. I liked it all. The message is clear, and it is easy to understand.

tzimmermsr commented 8 years ago

Moved to #80.