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Front-Facing Website #33

Open CCLynch opened 1 year ago

CCLynch commented 1 year ago

Opening this up for discussion of the website progress started with #32. Here are my notes on the current outline:

  1. Intro
    • Text is done, but I think we should add an image of a face with landmarks
      1. Models
    • High Dimensional - SVC w/ 55 features
      • Done
    • Mid Dimensional - Logreg w/ 7 features
      • Done
    • Low Dimensional - SVC w/ 2 features
      • Done
    • Another Dimension - Currently Confusion matrices of bayes models
      • I think we should replace this with the decision boundaries of 2-feature models
      • Either just the one SVC model mentioned in the low dimensional block, or a grid of 4 models like in bayes.md
  2. Background & Analysis
    • Background
      • Unfinished
    • Challenges & Preprocessing
      • Text is done, but I think we should add the image from slide 6 of the presentation, where Jesse is showing rotated faces.
    • Analysis
      • Done
    • Future work
      • Unfinished, I would say that we'd like to explore tree-based models and the euclidean features further.
sophiacofone commented 1 year ago
  1. Intro
    • agree with connor about the image
  2. Models
    • High diminutional, Low dimensional, and Another dimension are NOT done in my opinion. I got them started, but I think Zongyu should review the high and low since he primarily worked on those. For another dimension, I agree it can be a decision boundary one bc bogden liked that
  3. Background & Analysis
    • agree with these points