Good error handling
Good error descriptions
Translated error messages
Tell me what to do to solve an error
Tell me what this does before I click on it
Support touch gestures and mouse
Keyboard shortcuts
Undo everywhere
Multiple undo
Recover deleted things
Ask before deleting
Copy and paste
Detailed and up to date guides in text with screenshots at each step and highlights
And in Video
Screenshots that stay up to date as the product evolves
That are in sync with the version I'm using
That adapt to my custom setup
Up to date and detailed documentation
Translated to my language
Sorting everywhere
Natural sort
Sort by multiple criteria
Filter everywhere
Fuzzy filtering
Case sensitive/insensitive filtering
Filter by multiple/complex criteria
Track what is used where and warn me when deleting
Optional cascade deletion
Native and simple date picker on every platform
Sorted lists/selects (by the label!)
Natural Sorting
Dropdowns with filtering but that behave like the native controls
Preview things
Consistent button ordering/labels
Consistent capitalization
Progress bars for slow/async operations
Responsive UI during slow operations
Disabling buttons during slow operations
Handling double clicks on things that should be clicked once
Clear indication of what can be clicked
Deploy on exotic configurations/platforms
Deploy on old/unsupported versions
Deploy on what we have
Deploy/Run without internet connection
Handle Excel, CSV, JSON, XML
Handle malformed versions of all of the above
Handle (guess) dates with no timezone
Handle ambiguous/changing date formats
Integrate with obscure/outdated software/format
It should work on my old android phone browser/IE 11
Handle inputs with unknown and variable encodings
Easy to install
Easy to update
Easy to backup
Easy to recover
Works with the database and version we use
Can be mounted on a path that is not the root of the domain