dsavell / docker-grav

Docker Container for GRAV CMS
MIT License
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Can't Install ANY themes and can't install some plugins!!! #33

Closed BigDC closed 9 months ago

BigDC commented 3 years ago

I can not install any new themes. I go to the admin area and in the Themes section I click Add and select a theme and click install it will give me an error about something not being writeable, the error appears so quickly I can really see all of it.

The same thing happens with SOME not all but SOME plugins.

Also, may I make a suggestion of adding Nano text editor to the container. It would he a HUGE help, please?

Please help, please????

BigDC commented 3 years ago

By the way I use the dsavell/grav:admin tag and pull always from Docker Hub.

BigDC commented 3 years ago

Oh also, this is a NEW container.

dsavell commented 3 years ago

Hey @BigDC

Can you show me how your running the container and steps to repeat I have just loaded up a test container, and I am able to install themes & plugins ok.

dsavell commented 3 years ago

Yes for nano, yes I can add this, it seems it has been requested a few times it will come in the next update.

BigDC commented 3 years ago

Is this what you mean by showing you how I run the container..... sudo docker run -d --name BigDog TV --expose 80 --net bridge --restart always -v grav_data:/var/www/html -e VIRTUAL_HOST=bigdogtv.cf dsavell/grav:admin

runarsf commented 3 years ago

I'm having the same issue, haven't tested installing any themes yet, but only some plugins can be installed / updated. I'm using nginx to proxy pass to the grav container. Creating a fresh container from the admin tag and attempting to update the Flex Objects plugin always fails with Invalid AJAX response. and fwrite(): Unable to create temporary file, Check permissions in temporary files directory.

This is my docker-compose.yml file:

version: "3"

    image: "dsavell/grav:admin"
    hostname: "grav"
    container_name: "grav"
      - "6070:80"
      DUID: "1000"
      DGID: "1000"
      - "./data/backup:/var/www/grav/backup"
      - "./data/logs:/var/www/grav/logs"
      - "./data/user:/var/www/grav/user"
    restart: "unless-stopped"
karlprieb commented 3 years ago

@dsavell the issue seems to be with the tmpdir, so maybe add chown xyz /tmp on the Dockerfile or just change the tmpdir on php.ini. What do you think? If I shell into the container and change /tmp owner to xyz everything works fine.

dsavell commented 9 months ago

Stale, please re-raise if still an issue